President’s Nachricht — Newsletter
February Newsletter
Fueled by Volunteers
A look in the rear view
We had our monthly meeting at Red Lobster on a very cold evening. Good fellowship with those that came out on the blustery night. Thanks to all who attended.
A Look Ahead
Our membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 18th Board meeting at 5pm and the Member meeting at 6pm . Bettellis Villa located at 560 Kidder Street Wilkes Barre. This is a new location for us. They participated the Bona Appetite event for the SPCA.
We are planning to have the 2025 Christmas party at Glenmaura Golf Club once again. Everyone had a great time and the food was delicious. If you weren’t able to attend last year, you will want to save the date, December 13th, as to not miss out.
We had a few suggestions at the meeting for our charity this year. Please submit any suggestions as we will try to select a cause at the next meeting.
The current photo on Facebook is Len Goldspinner. Walt Weir’s red 356 was the car for December. Keep sending in your pictures to with the subject PoconopcaFB POTM. A short caption describing the image is also necessary. We do not publish copyrighted photos. Thanks to John Novotnak for taking on this task.
Did you find the new decal in your Panorama? The updated logo for PCA’s 70th anniversary was enclosed within the magazine.
We are looking to add some new items to the goodie store. Come to the next meeting to learn more.
There has been a change to the VIR race. National has decided to take over the race. It will be held on March 21 – 23rd. See Panorama for details.
-Tech Tactics Easton PA February 22-23., registration now open, February 22 has been sold out, still a few spots available for Sunday, February 23rd. Register now if you would like to attend.
-Werks Reunion Amelia River Club Florida March 7, 2025. Registration open now through Feb 7 unless sold out.
-Treffen Homestead Hot Springs VA April 30- May 4, Phase 1 registration open February 5, 3:00 PM. Mark your calendars!
-Swap Meet in Carlisle Pa – May 3, 2025. Vendor preregister ends March 31st.
-Porsche Parade Oklahoma City OK July 6-12 2025, Phase 1 registration open February 26th at noon.
-PCA 70th Anniversary Cruise – Treffen at Sea New England, August 30 to September 6, 2025 registration now open.
SEP 13th is the anniversary date to celebrate PCA’s 70th Anniversary. Any ideas on how to celebrate this special event??
-Treffen Jackson Hole Four Seasons October 5-9, 2025.
-6th Annual Board Walk, October 18th this year’s featured vehicle being the Targa.
Welcome New Members:
Ramon Lorenzo
Daniel L. Baker
Petrus G. Slaman
Save the Dates:
Treffen Homestead – Registration begins THIS Wednesday at February 5th at 3 PM Eastern.
Tech Tactics February 22 & 23. Register today.
WERKS Amelia, March 7, 2025
Swap Meet – May 3rd.
Parade 2025 will be in Oklahoma City OK June 6 – 12, 2025
Treffen at Sea, New England August 30 to September 6, 2025
Fall Treffen, Jackson Hole Four Seasons October 5-9, 2025
Boardwalk Reunion October 18, 2025 Celebrate Targa
Christmas Party, December 13th Glenmaura Country Club
Looking forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming event!
Joe Herwig
Pocono Region President
Joe Herwig
Pocono Social Media
Facebook: Pocono Region
Twitter: Pocono Region
Pocono’s Goodie Store
Logo Baseball Cap : $12 / each
Pocono Region Sponsors
President’s Nachricht — Back Issues
January 2025 : Winter Newsletter (Coming Soon)
January Newsletter
A Look in the Rear View
Coming Soon.
December 2024 : Thankful for the Opportunity
December Newsletter
A Look in the Rear View
Thankful for the Opportunity
As I looked through the prior newsletters of 2024 to put together the list of events below, I recall the fun that we experienced over this past year. As we just celebrated Thanksgiving, I am thankful for the opportunity to serve as President over these last 2 years and I’m thankful to serve along side such a dedicated group of people that pulled together a long list of events where we enjoyed wonderful drives, great experiences, learning opportunities, and just spending time getting to know each other and share a common interest in our love of Porsche.
Upcoming Christmas Party
I hope to see you at the upcoming Christmas party where we will close out our year long celebration of 50 years of the Pocono Region. It will be a fun night of many door prizes, gift exchange (if you choose to participate) good food and again, enjoying each other (it’s not just the cars, but the people). See links for more information below.
Pocono Region’s New President
As you know it is difficult to find volunteers for many things these days, people are busy and lots of demands on life. I thank those that are willing to serve once again as they are passionate to see the region continue. Please also help me welcome Joe Herwig as the new President. Please consider stepping up for 2026 into a key role as many of our board have been serving for many years. It’s good to get new ideas and a fresh look at what we are doing. We encourage involvement and appreciate your input. Please think on what you can do to be a part of the success of the region.
2024 Fund Raisers
Many of you were very generous in the fund raisers that we contributed to this year. We are thankful to those who participated to make these efforts a success. Please see “Thank You” note below.
We look forward to another great year and hope to get new members involved as well as those who have been members for many years who have given of their time and talents.
If we don’t see you at the party, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Best regards,
Beth Herwig
2024 Year In Review
- Sensational Strings (Clarks Summit) January 14, 2024.
- Tech Tactics, February 24 & 25, 2024.
- WERKS Amelia, March 1, 2024
- Car Show Porsche Wyoming Valley March 21, 2024, 5:30 – 7:30.
- Zone 2 Club Race VIR March 22-24, 2024
- Sim Race Event March 23, 2024 Route 61 Classics and Toy Barn Orwigsburg PA
- Zone 2 Club Race VIR March 22-24, 2024
- RTR Track April 5-7 Lightning
- Porsche and Pretzels Bloomsburg April 13th.
- Wilkes Univ ASME Car Show in 2024, it will be on Sunday April 14, 2024.
- Porsche Swap Meet and Carlisle sponsored by Central PA April 27, 2024.
- RTR Track May 17-19 Watkins Glen
- Autocross Pocono Raceway June 2, 2024
- Parade 2024 will be in Birmingham AL June 9 – 15 2024
- Watkins Glen Club Race, June 15, 2024
- Watkins Glen Trip, June 15 – 16th
- RTR Track June 14-16 Lightning
- RTR Track July 5-7 Watkins Glen
- Summer Picnic, Lake Winola Canoe Club, July 13th.
- Porsche and Pets, July 16th at Luzerne County SPCA
- Autocross Pocono Raceway July 21, 2024
- Treffen at Sea, Alaska, July 28 to August 4, 2024
- Pocono and Red Cross event, July 30 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
- 50th Celebration, Wyoming Valley Porsche, August 17, 2024
- IMSA at VIR August 23-25, 2024
- Autocross Pocono Raceway August 25, 2024
- PCA National Open House, September 7
- Pineview DE Day, September 9
- RTR Track Pocono September 13-15
- Autocross Pocono Raceway September 15, 2024
- Charity Laps for Heart Association, in memory of Ryan Martin September 15th
- Autocross Pocono Raceway September 15, 2024
- Fall Treffen, New Hampshire, September 29 to October 3, 2024
- Pine View Run October 5th October Fest, New Members Event
- RTR Oktoberfest October 5
- RTR Track October 11-13 Summit Point
- Boardwalk Reunion October 19, 2024
- Luzerne SPCA Annual Fund Raiser November 3, 2024.
- Christmas Party Saturday, December 14th. Glenmaura National Golf Club.
October 2024 : Fall Newsletter
October Newsletter
A Look in the Rear View
We heard that the open house on September 7th was a big hit. Lots of historical memorabilia available. Mark your calendars for next year so you can plan to attend this event.
The American Heart Association benefit in honor of Ryan Martin was a great event. The family was there in full support and provided a great array of refreshments. We are still taking donations for those who would like to contribute. We will have a check presentation at our October 15th meeting at Sand Springs Country Club. The American Heart Association will also be giving a CPR demonstration. See links below to donate or to register for the meeting.
The monthly meeting at Grotto’s on September 17 had a great turn out. We enjoyed a drive around the historic race track before dinner. We appreciate Harry Cooper and Walt Weir pulling that together. We had new members attend as well as some old friends we haven’t seen in a while. There were two door prize give aways and the commemorative glasses were available for sale. Only one glass left!
Volunteers Needed
Do you enjoy being a part of Pocono? Could you donate a few hours a month to allow us to continue as a Region? We need new board members for 2025. If we don’t find new leadership national could decide to disband the region. That would be very disappointing after celebrating 50 years as a Region.
A Look Ahead (upcoming events)
-Pocono PCA Octoberfest (New Members Event) at Pine View Run, October 5.
We will be paying for any new members that would like to attend. We already have one couple registered. Please email me if you are a new member and want to register so that you are not charged for the event.
-Riesentoter has also invited our region to their Oktoberfest. Below are more details and registration information.
-October 15, Membership Meeting at Sand Springs Country Club. Below is a plea from The Ecumenical Food Pantry of Pike County. Why not bring a few items from the list to the meeting. Below are more details and a link to more information about what they need.
-October 19, Boardwalk Reunion. Check out the site for more information and to register. This is a great event. Over 400 cars on the board walk of Ocean City New Jersey. Lots of fun to be had. Check it out!
–Tenth Annual Bone Appétit, Sunday, November 3, 2024 4:00 pm EST7:00 pm EST at the Woodlands Inn 1073 PA 315 Wilkes Barre PA 18702. This is to benefit the SPCA of Luzerne County. They are our 2024 Charity. You can register directly with them using the link below.
Come out to our Tenth Annual Bone Appétit Event and enjoy some great food tastings from wonderful restaurants, wine, and wonderful people while supporting a great organization.
In addition to the other charities we have sponsored this year, The Ecumenical Food Pantry of Pike County has reached out to us to see if we can help to provide needed food items to replenish their pantry. We are still ironing out the details, but below is a link showing the items needed. When you “register” a list of items will be displayed to where you can select what items you are willing to provide. We may put together a drive or other event to get these items to them before Thanksgiving. They serve 50-100 families weekly.
We will have a special presentation at our November meeting from Dave Marra. He is a talented artist who will talk about his artwork. We plan to have the meeting at The Powerhouse on November 19th. Mark your calendars.
We are working on the registration for the annual Holiday Party. Be on the lookout for that soon!
Welcome New Members:
- Debra Lescinsky
- Melissa Lucas
Save the Dates:
- Pine View Run October 5th October Fest, New Members Event
- RTR Oktoberfest October 5
- RTR Track October 11-13 Summit Point
- Boardwalk Reunion October 19, 2024
- Luzerne SPCA Annual Fund Raiser November 3, 2024.
- Christmas Party Saturday, December 14th Glenmaura National Golf Club.
- Parade 2025 will be in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ***Celebration of PCA’s 70th Year***
- Treffen Homestead, Hot Springs VA May 2025
- Parade 2026 Lake Placid NY
Looking forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
September 2024 : Fall Newsletter
September Newsletter
A Look in the Rear View
We had a wonderful event to celebrate our 50th anniversary hosted by Porsche Wyoming Valley on August 17th. John Novotnak took many pictures which are posted on our website for your viewing pleasure. Check it out! We had a great turnout, wonderful food including ice cream truck, corn hole tournament, and a great band with a good variety of music to enjoy. Steve, Larry, and staff were on hand to make sure everyone was having a good time. We really appreciate all they did to make it special. The weather held out and we were able to enjoy mingling inside and out. Steve and Larry provided some outstanding door prizes which you will see below.
Volunteers Needed
Do you enjoy being a part of PCA’s Pocono Region? Could you donate a few hours a month to allow us to continue as a Region? We need new board members for 2025. If we don’t find new leadership national could decide to disband the region. That would be very disappointing after celebrating 50 years as a Region.
A Look Ahead (Upcoming Events)
Although the Summer is winding down, we still have many events on the calendar to participate in.
– September 9, PINEVIEW DE DAY – Pocono Road Course. September 9th starting at 9:00 AM. See details in the link below. This event has been opened up for all PCA members. Please feel free to reach out to Randy Duckworth if you have any questions. 570.881.7687 or email at
– September 14, we have an opportunity to help the Police give thrill rides to children in need. Contact Randy Duckworth if you would be interested in participating.
– September 15, is the benefit for American Heart Association in honor of Ryan Martin. There are important details to make note, so please see the link below for more information, how to donate and to register.
– September 17, our meeting this month is at Grotto’s Pizza Harvey’s Lake. We will meet at 5:30 in the parking lot. Harry Cooper and Walt Weir will lead us around the historic race track. Below is the registration link as well as some history about the track to be familiar with prior to the event.
-Pocono PCA Octoberfest (New Members Event) at Pine View Run, October 5th. More detail to come.
-Riesentoter has also invited our region to their Oktoberfest.
Let’s celebrate the German Tradition of harvest by having our very own Oktoberfest. They have secured the Valley Forge Picnic Grove for October 5th. The Grove is a covered picnic venue with plenty of tables for social distancing. They will have the Flying Deutschman, a German Food Truck on site whipping up schnitzels and bratwurst and other German delights. Plus, they’ll have their own beer on tap included in the price. There will be a cash bar available as well. You are welcome to bring family and friends, (non-members are slightly more). Plus, Polkadelphia will be joining us for festive music and a rip-roaring good time. Register Here
When: 6:00 PM – ?, October 5th.
Where: The Grove at Valley Forge Firehouse 630 Valley Park Road, Phoenixville, PA 19460
-October 19, Boardwalk Reunion. Check out the site for more information and to register.
Welcome New Members:
- Koby Yaakubov
- Russell Tasker
Save the Dates:
- September 7, 2024 : PCA National Open House
- September 9, 2024 : Pineview DE Day
- September 13–15, 2024 : RTR Track Pocono
- September 15, 2024 : Charity Laps for Heart Association, in memory of Ryan Martin
- September 15, 2024 : Autocross Pocono Raceway
- Sept 29 – Oct 3, 2024 : Fall Treffen, New Hampshire
- October 5, 2024 : Pine View Run Octoberfest, New Members Event
- October 5, 2024 : RTR Oktoberfest
- October 11-13, 2024 : RTR Track at Summit Point
- October 19, 2024 : Boardwalk Reunion
- November 3, 2024 : Luzerne SPCA Annual Fund Raiser
- December 14, 2024 : Holiday Party at Glenmaura National Golf Club.
- July 2025 : Parade 2025 will be in Oklahoma City, OK *Celebration of PCA’s 70th Year*
- May 2025 : Treffen Homestead, Hot Springs VA
- 2026 : Porsche Parade, Lake Placid, NY
Looking forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
August 2024 : PCA, Fueled by Volunteers
August Newsletter
A Look in the Rear View
PCA: Fueled by Volunteers — I wanted to give a shout out to John and Rose Ann Novotnak for all the work they do during the week of Porsche Parade. Rose Ann worked the entire week at the art show and John spent many hours taking pictures to document the event. John also placed in the Tech Quiz for Boxster. Way to Go! Even through all this, they thought of the Pocono Region and brought us back packs and bags from Parade to hand out as door prizes at the Picnic. Thank you, Novotnak’s!
The annual picnic was a GREAT event. Even though it was a hot day, we had a nice breeze coming off the lake. There were even free boat rides in a historic boat. We had a great turn out including new members and some prospective members. The pre-drive was very fun as we all stayed together driving past lakes and through little towns. We had a photographer to take a picture of all the beautiful cars. This really took a team to make it extra special, thanks to all who were involved, We appreciate your hard work! John Emmett was the lucky winner of the $400 Oil Can drawing.
We had a great event at the Luzerne County SPCA. We had a good turnout and learned a lot about how the workers and volunteers care for over 200 animals, including cats, dogs, rabbits, rats, calves, and the list goes on. Bernis Emmett was a wealth of information. We had a tour of the facility where some attendees got to hold some kittens. They really serve the community and are worthy of our donations. Many people came with a check in hand Thank You! We had an attendee fill out an application to adopt. There is an additional event planned on November 3rd at The Woodlands as a fund raiser for the SPCA.
Here are the meeting minutes from both events: Meeting minutes Picnic and SPCA
Volunteers Needed
Board Members — Do you enjoy being a part of Pocono? Could you donate a few hours a month to allow us to continue as a Region? We continue to look for Board Members for 2025. If we don’t find new leadership nPCA National could decide to disband our region. That would be very disappointing after celebrating 50 years as a Region.
IMSA Volunteers — August 23-25 the IMSA Circus will be at VIR and PCA is hosting a car corral and hospitality tent. They are looking for volunteers to help during the event. The weekend includes lots of racing in various series and the PCA tent will host driver meetings, paddock tours, Parade laps, special guests and more. Admission is free to any PCA member or Porsche owner. Please contact Phil Grandfield directly at and let him know which day and morning or afternoon that you can serve.
American Red Cross — We had a good turn out at the American Red Cross event today at Pocono. There should be photo’s to view on our website. Thanks to those who took time out of their day to donate both money and blood to make this a success.
A Look Ahead (Upcoming Events)
Registration for the Zone 1 & 2 sponsored Boardwalk Reunion opens on AUGUST 1. The event is in Ocean City NJ on October 19th. It is very casual and fun gathering of Porsches on an iconic boardwalk. Think of cars and coffee with 400 Porsches lined up in a mile long line 2 by 2. There will also be technical presentations during the day. The evening includes dinner, dancing, and an open bar in the historic Flanders Hotel. The added twist for 2024 in sponsorship by Princess Cruise Lines. This is the same company that hosts Treffen at Sea. They will be offering a free cruise to one of the attendees. Because the number of folks is fairly small the odds of winning are pretty good. One small caveat is Alaska Cruises are not included but they have several options in the North East. Remember, the Flander’s has rooms reserved for PCA. Mention PCA when registering your for your room.
***Register NOW*** Porsche Wyoming Valley is helping the Pocono Region celebrate our 50th anniversary on August 17. The event will be catered by Café 315 at a cost of $25 per person. There will be music, corn hole competition, give aways, and ice cream truck. Get more details and register using the link below. We currently have 36 registered. We’d love to see at least 50. Use link below to register.
Porsche Club of America National Office Open House:
Saturday September 07, 2024 to Saturday September 07, 2024 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Get ready for our Annual Open House as we celebrate 13 years at the PCA National Office! Join us on Saturday, September 7, 2024, for an afternoon filled with beautiful Porsches and fun with fellow Club members. Kids are welcome too! You will learn the exciting history of PCA from our Executive Director, Vu Nguyen. You can also purchase PCA Merchandise, listen to great music, and eat a delicious lunch from Mission BBQ. And, of course, we will be raffling off amazing prizes. Hope to see you there!
Please note that you must be PRE-REGISTERED TO ATTEND.
*Limit of 20 people per tour. Tour tickets with specific time slots will be handed out onsite.
Location: Porsche Club of America
9689 Gerwig Lane, Unit 4C/D, Columbia, MD 21046
Registration opens Wednesday, 7/31/24 at 12:00 PM ET To register, go to the PCA website and go to Events and look for Open House. Registration closes Wednesday, 8/28/24.
***Save the Date***This year’s charity laps for the Heart Association in memory of Ryan Martin will be held on Sunday, September 15th. This event will be held on Sunday this year as the track has another event on Saturday, September 14th with the State Police. There might be an opportunity to participate in that as well, more details to come.
***Save the Date*** October Fest (New Members Event) at Pine View Run, October 5th. More detail to come.
Welcome New Pocono Region Members:
- Louis Saras
- Armand Mascioli
- Teresa Ruotolo
- Thomas Kirkpatrick
Save the Dates:
- 50th Celebration, Wyoming Valley Porsche, August 17, 2024
- IMSA at VIR August 23-25, 2024 (volunteers needed)
- Autocross Pocono Raceway August 25, 2024
- PCA National Open House, September 7, Registration opens July 31st
- RTR Track Pocono September 13-15
- Charity Laps for Heart Association, in memory of Ryan Martin September 15th
- Autocross Pocono Raceway September 15, 2024
- Fall Treffen, New Hampshire, September 29 to October 3, 2024.
- Pine View Run October 5th October Fest, New Members Event
- RTR Track October 11-13 Summit Point
- Boardwalk Reunion October 19, 2024
- Luzerne SPCA Annual Fund Raiser November 3, 2024.
- Christmas Party Saturday, December 14th Glenmaura National Golf Club.
- Parade 2025 will be in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ***Celebration of PCA’s 70th Year***
- Treffen Homestead, Hot Springs VA May 2025
- Parade 2026 Lake Placid NY
Looking forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming event!
— Beth Herwig
June 2024 : Summer Plans
June Newsletter
A Look in the Rear View
Hope everyone attending Porsche Parade in Birmingham, Alabama is having a great time. Safe travels! We look forward to hearing about it at the next meeting.
A Look Ahead
We continue to look for board members for 2025. We need officers to run a successful region. Won’t you consider filling a position to allow the region to continue and to be successful? Please contact me if I can answer any questions for you.
Our membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 18th at the Barley Creek Brewing Company restaurant (1774 Sullivan Trail, Tannersville, PA 18372). The July Membership meeting will be at the Summer Picnic at Lake Winola on July 13. The following link can be used to register for the June meeting. .
At this meeting we will be looking to approve the minutes from the last meeting attached here.
The agenda is also available here.
Registration for Treffen Mount Washington SOLD OUT. I believe it sold out in 3 minutes as it happened right before my eyes before I could finish registering. Congrats to those who were successful. You can register to be on the waiting list. The dates of the event are September 29 to October 3 2024.
***Register NOW *** registration is open for the Wakins Glen trip on June 15 and 16th. THIS WEEKEND. In addition to the track laps, we will have a pit tour, a trip to the Glen Curtis Museum who is an aviation and motorcycling pioneer, dinner at Timber Stone Grill and overnight stay at the Best Western for those who would like to extend their weekend. Many other local activities available. This event is open to both Riesentoter and Central region. Register at the below link.
***Save the Date*** Randy is making the final touches on the Summer Picnic at Lake Winola Canoe Club on Saturday, July 13th. The cost will be $25.00 which will be paid at time of registration through Motorsport Reg. We’ll send out the link when available.
Come support this year’s charity, SPCA of Luzerne County, on Tuesday July 16 at 6 PM for Porsche and Pets event. Bring an item and/or donation and get a chance to meet the pets. This is the date that we would normally have our membership meeting, however, we will be gathering there in lieu of a meeting. Attached is the wish list. 524 E Main St. Wilkes-Barre PA 18702.
Pocono Raceway and the American Red Cross are hosting an upcoming blood drive and Ride for the Red (parade track laps) on Tuesday, Jul 30th from 9:00 am to 7:00 PM. (1234 Long Pond Road Long Pond PA 18334). Please join the lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment to give blood today. This is NOT a PCA event, but you can participate as an individual if you would like. Blood Program Leader Name: Jaime Brazenec
Click here to make an appointment (copy and paste the URL)
***Register NOW*** Porsche Wyoming Valley is helping us celebrate our 50th anniversary on August 17. The event will be catered by Café 315 at a cost of $25 per person. There will be music, corn hole competition, give aways, and ice cream truck. Get more details and register using the link below.
***Save the Date***This year’s charity laps for the Heart Association in memory of Ryan Martin will be held on Sunday, September 15th. This event will be held on Sunday this year as the track has another event on Saturday, September 14th with the State Police. There might be an opportunity to participate in that as well, more details to come.
Boardwalk Reunion 2024 – The Registration at The Flanders is now open. When you call to make your registration, let them know that you are with the PCA event. This year they will be featuring “911’s on the 4’s” They plan to have the gathering Friday night at the Scarborough Inn again this year.
Welcome New Members:
- Scott Skammer
- Glenn Halterman
Save the Dates:
- Watkins Glen Club Race, June 15, 2024
- RTR Track June 14-16 Lightning
- Watkins Glen Trip, June 15 – 16th
- RTR Track July 5-7 Watkins Glen
- Summer Picnic, Lake Winola Canoe Club, July 13th.
- Porsche and Pets, July 16th at Luzerne County SPCA
- Autocross Pocono Raceway July 21, 2024
- Treffen at Sea, Alaska, July 28 to August 4, 2024 **Registration open now**
- 50th Celebration, Wyoming Valley Porsche, August 17, 2024
- Pocono and Red Cross event, July 30 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
- Autocross Pocono Raceway August 25, 2024
- RTR Track Pocono September 13-15
- Charity Laps for Heart Association, in memory of Ryan Martin September 15th
- Autocross Pocono Raceway September 15, 2024
- Fall Treffen, New Hampshire, September 29 to October 3, 2024 Registration open May 29th
- RTR Track October 11-13 Summit Point
- Boardwalk Reunion October 19, 2024
- Luzerne SPCA Annual Fund Raiser November 3, 2024.
- Christmas Party Saturday, December 14th Glenmaura National Golf Club.
- Parade 2025 will be in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ***Celebration of PCA’s 70th Year***
- Treffen Homestead, Hot Springs VA May 2025
Looking forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
May 2024 : Looking for Board Members for 2025
May Newsletter
A Look in the Rear View
The shirt order has been completed and those that ordered an item can pick up their items at the May 21st meeting. Please be prepared to pay for your order via cash or check written out to POCONO PCA Region. They look great! If you need them mailed, please contact me to make those arrangements. Additional amount will be charged for shipping.
A Look Ahead
We continue to look for board members for 2025. This month feature is the Poc Secretary. This position is currently held by John Emmett. This is an important role to keep everyone informed and to have historical records. Currently we have one meeting a month, on the third Tuesday. The board meets prior to the member meeting. We need someone willing to take notes and have them prepared by the second Tuesday to be distributed to the members. Would you consider taking on this role?
Membership Meeting — Our membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 21st at The Powerhouse, 60 Powerhouse Rd, White Haven, PA 18661.
Tire Rack Street Survival — Blue Ridge Region is hosting Tire Rack Street Survival THIS Sunday, May 19th and they could use a few more volunteers. If you are interested, please contact Marc Wilson
Fall Treffen — Registration for Treffen Mt. Washington opens WEDNESDAY MAY 29 at 3 PM. This has the potential to sell out quickly (within minutes) so be ready! The dates of the event are September 29 to October 3 2024.
Spring Treffen 2025 — Just announced Treffen Homestead 2025 which will be in Zone 2, Hot Springs VA during the first week on May. Mark your calendars now.
***Register NOW *** registration is open for the Wakins Glen trip on June 15 and 16th. In addition to the track laps, we will have a pit tour, a trip to the Glen Curtis Museum who is an aviation and motorcycling pioneer, dinner at Timber Stone Grill and overnight stay at the Best Western for those who would like to extend their weekend. Many other local site and activities available. This event is open to both Riesentoter and Central region. Register at the below link.
Pocono Raceway and the American Red Cross are hosting an upcoming blood drive and Ride for the Red (parade track laps) on Tuesday, Jul 30th from 9:00 am to 7:00 PM. (1234 Long Pond Road Long Pond PA 18334). Please join the lifesaving mission and schedule an appointment to give blood today. This is NOT a PCA event, but you can participate as an individual if you would like. Blood Program Leader Name: Jaime Brazenec
Click here to make an appointment (copy and paste the URL)
***Register NOW*** Porsche Wyoming Valley is helping us celebrate our 50th anniversary on August 17. The event will be catered by Café 315 at a cost of $25 per person. There will be music, corn hole competition, give aways, and ice cream truck. Get more details and register using the link below.
***Save the Date***This year’s charity laps for the Heart Association in memory of Ryan Martin will be held on Sunday, September 15th. This event will be held on Sunday this year as the track has another event on Saturday, September 14th with the State Police. There might be an opportunity to participate in that as well, more details to come.
Boardwalk 2024 – The Registration at The Flanders is now open. When you call to make your registration, let them know that you are with the PCA event. This year they will be featuring “911’s on the 4’s” They plan to have the gathering Friday night at the Scarborough Inn again this year.
We have secured the venue for the Christmas Party at Glenmaura National Golf Club on December 14th. Thanks to Catherine Bolton, Rick Bolus and Randy Duckworth for working on this event.
Welcome New Members:
- John Petschauer
- Daniel Lawton
- Bryan Shelhamer
- Dina Inverso
Save the Dates:
- RTR Track May 17-19 Watkins Glen
- Autocross Pocono Raceway June 2, 2024
- Watkins Glen Club Race, June 15, 2024
- RTR Track June 14-16 Lightning
- Parade 2024 will be in Birmingham AL June 9 – 15 2024
- RTR Track July 5-7 Watkins Glen
- Autocross Pocono Raceway July 21, 2024
- Pocono and Red Cross event, July 30 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
- Treffen at Sea, Alaska, July 28 to August 4, 2024 **Registration open now**
- 50th Celebration, Wyoming Valley Porsche, August 17, 2024
- Autocross Pocono Raceway August 25, 2024
- RTR Track Pocono September 13-15 ***Charity Laps***
- Charity Laps for Heart Association, in memory of Ryan Martin September 15th
- Autocross Pocono Raceway September 15, 2024
- Fall Treffen, New Hampshire, Sept 29 to Oct 3; Registration open May 29, 2024
- RTR Track October 11-13 Summit Point
- Boardwalk Reunion October 19, 2024 Flanders reservation now open
- Luzerne SPCA Annual Fund Raiser November 3, 2024.
- Christmas Party Saturday, December 14th.
- Parade 2025 will be in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ***Celebration of PCA’s 70th Year***
- Treffen Homestead, Hot Springs VA May 2025
Looking forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
March 2024 : A Look in the Rear View
March Newsletter
A Look in the Rear View
February 24th – The President’s meeting in Harrisonburg VA. MAAP (Madison Automotive Apprentices) hosted the Zone 2 Presidents meeting. We got to learn about the work they do there and to see some one-of-a-kind Porsches. It was a great time to learn the role of a President and meet other Presidents from the Zone and what they are doing. We are looking for a new President for 2025. Wouldn’t YOU be interested in being able to take part in such a special event? Why not consider taking on this role next year?
WERKS Amelia Island
We had our own Terry and Chris Keeney make the trip to the Werks event. They came across a car that ran into a tire on the way down, but they were still able to display their car. Looks like they had a great time on their trip and were able to represent POCONO with their swag from the goodie store!
Last Years Charity, Operation Christmas Child
Thanks again for helping get the boxes around the world. Our boxes went to the Dominican Republic, Mauritius and Tanzania.
This year’s Charity is SPCA of Luzerne County.
We will be looking for ways to not only raise money but provide items that they need to properly care for animals waiting for their forever home. See attached list of items that you could provide. We can accept items at the monthly meetings for your convenience. They will be having their annual fundraiser on Sunday, November 3, 2024 at the Woodlands. Save the date!
A Look Ahead
Our membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 19th at Grotto’s in Wilkes Barre. Please register below. If you find that you can come last minute, please join us. We try to get registrations so the restaurant can prepare. We are looking to hold April’s meeting at Mia Via in Luzerne.
This year is Pocono’s 50th anniversary. PCA National is joining in to recognize this achievement. They have provided us with a Plaque, banners and new window clings for your car. We will be handing out the window clings at the membership meetings. Porsche Wyoming Valley is helping us celebrate on August 17 ***SAVE THE DATE***. We are working on the details so be looking for more information to come. We have contacted our embroider to have a special logo for this year. We will look to add a few items to the goodie store and also offer to take an article that you already own, if you would like to add it. You can bring that to me at a member meeting. We are also working on getting PORSCHE added below the back collar as well.
Porsche Wyoming Valley is having a car show on Thursday, March 21, from 5:30 to 7:30. This is to celebrate consumer reports recognizing Porsche, BMW and Subaru for their reliability. There will be food trucks to purchase dinner, complimentary drinks, music, and basket raffles. See attached flier for more information on how to register.
Sim Racing, Route 61 Classic Cars and Toy Barn, March 23, 2024. Register on Motorsport using link below. We will plan to meet at Perkins in Wilkes Barre at 8:30, leave by 9:00 and arrive at 10:00. There are classic cars to enjoy, toy barn to shop in and you can cheer on the other racers. Other local activities and lunch options.
Boardwalk 2024 – The Registration at The Flanders is now open. When you call to make your registration, let them know that you are with the PCA event. This year they will be featuring “911’s on the 4’s” They plan to have the gathering Friday night at the Scarborough again this year.
Parade registration has opened on January 31st. This is phase one to lock in your spot and book your hotel. Event registration will open on Wednesday, April 3. Check out the PCA website for more information and a video to learn how to get the most out of parade.
We are looking at putting together a ride to the Central Pennsylvania Pretzel Festival in Bloomsburg. “Porsche’s and Pretzels” and Saturday April 13th. We will be discussing at the next meeting and will provide more details as they become available.
The annual Wilkes Univ ASME Car Show will be on Sunday April 14, 2024. We will be a sponsor for this event and hope we can have a good showing. More information will be coming on how to register.
Preparations are already being made for both the picnic and Christmas party. Save December 14th for the Christmas party at a new venue. We are excited to share more details very soon.
Welcome New Members:
- Loryn M. Copley
- Edward Losapio
Save the Dates:
- Car Show Porsche Wyoming Valley March 21, 2024, 5:30 – 7:30.
- Zone 2 Club Race VIR March 22-24, 2024
- Sim Race Event March 23, 2024 Route 61 Classics and Toy Barn Orwigsburg PA
- RTR Track April 5-7 Lightning
- Porsche and Pretzels Bloomsburg April 13th.
- Wilkes Univ ASME Car Show in 2024, it will be on Sunday April 14, 2024.
- RTR Track May 17-19 Watkins Glen
- Autocross Pocono Raceway June 2, 2024
- Watkins Glen Club Race, June 15, 2024
- RTR Track June 14-16 Lightning
- Parade 2024 will be in Birmingham AL June 9 – 15 2024 **Registration opens January 31**
- RTR Track July 5-7 Watkins Glen
- Autocross Pocono Raceway July 21, 2024
- Treffen at Sea, Alaska, July 28 to August 4, 2024 **Registration open now**
- Autocross Pocono Raceway August 25, 2024
- RTR Track Pocono September 13-15 ***Charity Laps***
- Autocross Pocono Raceway September 15, 2024
- Fall Treffen, New Hampshire, September 29 to October 3, 2024 Registration open June 19, 2024
- RTR Track October 11-13 Summit Point
- Boardwalk Reunion October 19, 2024 Flanders reservation now open
- Luzerne SPCA Annual Fund Raiser November 3, 2024.
- Christmas Party Saturday, December 14th.
- Parade 2025 will be in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ***Celebration of PCA’s 70th Year***
Looking forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
February 2024 : A Look in the Rear View
February Newsletter
A Look in the Rear View
January 14th – Sensational Strings. We had a group attend the concert in Clark Summit followed by dinner at Coopers. All that attended had a great time and enjoyed the music.
A Look Ahead
• Our membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 20th at Arcao & Genell 443 S. Main Street Old Forge. Please register below.
• America On Wheels Museum has the Air-Cooled display through April 14, 2024 if you get a chance to visit. See link for more details.
• The charity for 2024 is the SPCA of Luzerne County. We hope to plan some events as a fund raiser and will keep you informed as those get scheduled.
• We have changed our format for the Oil Can drawing. Each time you attend a meeting and contribute to the oil can, you will receive one ticket to be eligible to win the oil can twice a year, at the annual picnic and Christmas party.
• This year is Pocono’s 50th anniversary. We hope to get a special event put together to celebrate. We hope to share some more information in the next newsletter.
Pocono Region Events:
• Sim Racing, Route 61 Classic Cars and Toy Barn, March 23, 2024. Register on Motorsport using link below. We will plan to meet at Perkins in Wilkes Barre at 8:30, leave by 9:00 and arrive at 10:00. There are classic cars to enjoy, toy barn to shop in and you can cheer on the other racers. Other local activities and lunch options.
• Registration for Werks Amelia Island March 1, 2024 is open.
• Parade registration has opened on January 31st. This is phase one to lock in your spot and book your hotel. Event registration will open on Wednesday, April 3. Check out the PCA website for more information and a video to learn how to get the most out of parade.
Welcome New Members:
- Anthony Barletta
- David Fryzel
Save the Dates:
Lots of upcoming events that you can participate in, please check our online calendar,
Porsche Parade 2025 will be held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.Woo hoo!
Looking forward to see you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
September 2023 : A Look in the Rear View
A look in the rear view
Thanks to all that came to the annual picnic at Knoebel’s on Saturday, August 12th. It was a hot day, but it was comfortable under the pavilion. Zone 2 Rep, Phil Grandfield joined us as well as Dean, from Central PA region, so we had a multi-region event. Thanks again to Randy and Nancy Duckworth and John Emmitt for making it a special event. If you have an idea for next year’s picnic, please share it with us. We’d love to get some new ideas and get more people involved.
A Look Ahead
Our membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 19 at Olive Garden in Dickson City. Please sign up so the restaurant can be prepared for us.
We did not have a members’ meeting in August due to the picnic, so the July meeting minutes will be voted one, which were sent in a previous email.
The date for the Pineview Run event has been changed to Saturday, September 30th. An email was sent out with the details and registration information. You need to register by September 25th to participate. Currently this event is listed as private so that our members have a chance to register. Please use link below to go directly to registration.
Boardwalk registration is OPEN!
The 4th Annual Boardwalk Reunion will be held on October 14, 2023. See below for registration:
Check the website for any updates:
As of August 31, over 300 have registered for the boardwalk and 215 for the dinner. If you plan to attend, please register now if you haven’t done so already.
America on Wheels:
America on Wheels, a car museum in Allentown, PA, will be featuring Air Cooled cars from October to April. Some of our members may be lending their Porsche to the museum for display. We are planning a trip to see the display on Friday, November 3rd. We will need at least 8 people to register in order to have the catered lunch at the museum.
We still have our build a shoebox challenge going on to build 75 shoeboxes in honor of our 75th anniversary. We are still at 6 boxes packed so far. You simply click on the link below, select a child and age range and fill the box with goodies. Tax deductible donation is $25 per box. Won’t you help us meet this challenge? Sponsorship/challenge will continue until Thanksgiving. A link is also available on our website under About>Sponsors, or on the Calander page. A big THANK YOU to those who have packed a box!
As stated last month, Michael Smihosky has taken the role of Webmaster. He has been taking the time to look through the site and see where improvements are needed. He will be working on getting things up to date and adding more information and pictures.
Reminder: if you have documents that need to be saved in the “GloveBox”, please provide them to me to be uploaded for permanent storage.
We have some vacancies to fill if you would be interested in the following positions:
PCA Juniors – this is a position at the National Level.
Activities – Would you like to plan Cars and Coffee a few times a year? Any other fun activities are welcome.
Please contact me if you would be interested in utilizing your talents to the betterment of the club.
Welcome New Members:
Jason Rymell
Save the Dates:
DE Pocono September 15th
Rennsport Reunion 7 September 28 – October 4, 2023
Pineview Run September 30, 2023
PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s September 30, 2023
Boardwalk Reunion Ocean City NJ October 14, 2023.
America on Wheels tour, Allentown PA November 3, 2023
PCA Christmas Party December 2, 2023, at The Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel.
Treffen at the Sea Princess Cruise Western Caribbean December 9 to 16, 2023
Parade 2024 will be in Birmingham AL June 9 – 15 2024
Parade 2025 will be in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Looking forward to seeing you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
August 2023 : A Look in the Rear View
August 2023
A Look in the Rear View
Don’s Antiques Tour
On July 15th we had a wonderful tour of “Don’s Antiques”. It’s always a treat to see these cars up close. The curator, Calvin, was very accommodating and started a few of the cars for us. Don Bernstein was also on hand to answer any questions. We so appreciate him allowing us to enjoy a piece of history. A few of us enjoyed the brief ride to Montdale Dairy for ice cream and some good fellowship.
Autocrossing at Pocono
Chris Grenzberg, our Autocross Chair, continues to enjoy the great events that are available. On Sunday, August 6th, he again participated at the autocross at Pocono. Looks like the perfect day. If you have any interest in getting involved, he would enjoy having the opportunity to get you plugged in.
— A Look Ahead —
Membership Meeting:
There will not be a regular member meeting in August due to the annual picnic this Saturday, August 12th. The next meeting will be September 19th at Olive Garden in Dickson City. Please register using the below link.
Attached are the July member minutes for your review: July Membership Minutes
Pine View Run:
As you know, we are planning a trip to Pine View Run. Did you know they have memberships available that provide the opportunity to enjoy the tack more often? They are having a grand opening party for their members. You may want to consider joining to take advantage of additional opportunities. Please see details below:
We are excited with our New Track Grand Opening parties next Thursday and Friday (August 10th and 11th). Many of you have RSVP’d – IF YOU HAVE NOT, Please do so to attend. CLICK HERE: …..THIS IS REQUIRED. We are doing complimentary Safety-Check Rides on the new track – which is required to drive or ride the new track. If you do not RSVP, you may not attend. We are coordinating FOOD and INSTRUCTORS to handle the expected members attending.
Todd R. Milton, President/CEO
Pineview Run Auto & Country Club, Inc.
(315) 466-2526 cell
Any interest in a Gimmick Rally? We need to hear from you!
There is a possibility of planning a Gimmick Rally before the season is over…maybe September. We had a poor turn out last time, so we want to know if you would be interested in participating. If so, we will plan to get a date set and get that on the calendar. It’s great fun as you travel around looking for clues from the instructions provided.
Boardwalk Reunion — Registration is Open
The 4th Annual Boardwalk Reunion will be held on October 14, 2023.
Check the website for any updates:
Save the Date, America on Wheels:
America on Wheels, a car museum in Allentown, PA, will be featuring Air Cooled cars from October to April. Some of our members may be lending their Porsche to the museum for display. We are planning a trip to see the display on Friday, November 3rd. We are ironing out the details, but hope to have them finalized soon with registration available. We will need at least 8 people to register in order to have the catered lunch at the museum.
Sim Racing:
PCA National is doing a fundraiser via sim racing, 2023 Virtual Ride for Hero’s.
We still have our build a shoebox challenge going on to build 75 shoeboxes in honor of our 75th anniversary. We have 2 boxes packed so far. You simply click on the link below, select a child and age range and fill the box with goodies. Tax deductible donation is $25 per box. Won’t you help us meet this challenge? Sponsorship/challenge will continue until Thanksgiving. A link is also available on our website under About>Sponsors.
Reminder: if you have documents that need to be saved in the “GloveBox”, please provide them to me to be uploaded for permanent storage.
Zone 2 VIR Opportunity:
The Porscheplatz at the IMSA VIR race is just over two weeks away (26-27AUG). There are still have some volunteer openings and complimentary tickets to support the event. Help is needed at the Corral and Hospitality Tent on SAT & SUN. There are openings on both days but most flexibility is on SUN. Please let Phil Grandfield know if you can help out. 757-635-0892
We have some vacancies to fill if you would be interested in the following positions:
• PCA Juniors – this is a position at the National Level.
• Activities – Would you like to plan Cars & Coffee a few times a year? Any other fun activities are welcome.
Pocono Region Webmaster
We are pleased to announce Mike Smihosky will be assuming the role of Poc’s Webmaster. He is in the process of getting access to everything. Please join me in welcoming him and thanking him for giving his time to the club.
Welcome New Members:
- Charles Clark
- Edward Morristell
Upcoming Events:
- Annual Picnic – Knoeble’s Amusement Resort August 12, 2023 **Save the Date**
- DE Pocono, September 15, 2023
- Treffen St. Lous in Fall September 20 – 24, 2023
- Rennsport Reunion 7 — September 28 – October 1, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s September 30, 2023
- Pine View Run- Laps October 7, 2023 **Save the Date***
- Boardwalk Reunion Ocean City NJ October 14, 2023.
- America On Wheels Museum Tour, Friday, November 3, 2023.
- PCA Christmas Party December 2, 2023, at The Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel.
- Princess Cruise Western Caribbean December 9 to 16, 2023
- Gimmick Rally Spring (May) 2024
- Parade 2024 will be in Birmingham AL June 9 – 15 2024
Looking forward to see you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
July 2023 : A Look in the Rear View
July 2023
A Look in the Rear View
Porsche Parade 2023, Palm Springs, CA:
Another Porsche Parade has passed us by, hard to believe Pocono was over a year ago. I am pleased to announce that we won first place for our website in Class II. Special thanks to Bill Simon from Symbion Design and James Giranda, our previous webmaster. We are in search of a new webmaster to take James’ place as well as sponsors who would like to be a part of our award-winning site. Mark your calendars for Parade 2025 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma!
June Members Meeting:
At our June Members meeting we had the privilege to present the funds raised for the American Heart Association. Lauren Spence their Development Director, joined us for dinner. We had a great turn out and were please to present a check for $27,310.65. Thanks to everyone who participated and a special thanks to Randy Duckworth and John Emmett who worked with Lisa Wahl to organize the event.
Watkin’s Glen:
We also had a great turn out for the drive to Watkin’s Glen and the parade laps. It was a perfect day and we were able to keep the group all together without having to wait at any point. We enjoyed a lunch following the laps at concessions or some found other dining opportunities in town. Many also enjoyed the tour of the Corning Museum and the fun continued afterwards with dinner, overnight stay and breakfast for those who chose to extend their visit in New York. Thanks again to Randy Duckworth for all his planning and to John Emmett getting us all there safely. We were all winners that day!
— A Look Ahead —
July 11 : Ride for the Red
This is NOT a PCA organized event, nor do we have insurance to cover the event, but it might be something you will want to enjoy on your own. See the details below. You would be participating as an individual and at your own risk.
July 15 : Don’s Antique’s
This is our next scheduled event, this coming Saturday, July 15 at 12:30. The event will be followed by a trip to Montdale Dairy for Ice Cream if you would like join us. Please see further details on Motorsport for location and registration.
Upcoming Meetings:
We will be holding the July 18th member meeting at Grotto’s Pizza in Harvey’s Lake. Please plan to arrive at 6:00, Meeting will begin after everyone places their dinner order.
See previous meeting minutes below for approval at the meeting. Registration for the meeting should be available soon, so look to Motorsport for that as well.
June Membership Meeting Minutes
Summer Picnic, Saturday August 12th, Knoebel’s Amusement Resort
Here is the information you need to know about the 2023 Pocono Region Summer Picnic. It will occur on Saturday August 12th at Knoebels Amusement Resort (391 Knoebels Blvd, Elysburg, PA 17824). This is a rain or shine event.
The park opens at 1000 am. Rides start at 1200. We have Pavilion Q reserved for all day. Lunch will be at 1215 pm. Food provided for the picnic will be Barbecued chickens, hamburgers, hot dogs, hamburger barbecues (sloppy joes), chips, water, and soda.
Parking is free as is admission to the park. A roped off Reserved parking area for us will be near Pavilion U from 1000 until 1100. After 11 the ropes come down and parking in the area is no longer reserved for us.
Rides are Pay Per Ride using their tickets. A $20 book of Ride tickets can be purchased at the park for $20 or at Weis Markets for $17 (including Catawissa, Clarks Summit, and Mountain Top, we recommend calling the service desk to make sure your Weis participates and their hours of service.).
The cost will be $20 per adult, kids free (15 and under). Please sign-up by July 31st so we can submit the food order. Please use this link:
We’re looking forward to having a great time at the picnic. Hope to see you there!
Any interest in a Gimmick Rally? We need to hear from you!
There is a possibility of planning a Gimmick Rally before the season is over…maybe September. We had a poor turn out last time, so we want to know if you would be interested in participating. If so, we will plan to get a date set and get that on the calendar. It’s great fun as you travel around looking for clues from the instructions provided.
We still have our build a shoebox challenge going on to build 75 shoeboxes in honor of our 75th anniversary. We have 2 boxes packed so far. You simply click on the link below, select a child and age range and fill the box with goodies. Tax deductible donation is $25 per box. Won’t you help us meet this challenge? Sponsorship/challenge will continue until Thanksgiving. A link is also available on our website under About>Sponsors.
Reminder: if you have documents that need to be saved in the “GloveBox”, please provide them to me to be uploaded for permanent storage.
We have some vacancies to fill if you would be interested in the following positions:
• PCA Juniors – this is a position at the National Level.
• Activities – Would you like to plan Cars & Coffee a few times a year? Any other fun activities are welcome.
• Webmaster – Looking for someone to help keep our website up to date and work alongside Symbion Design.
Please contact me if you would be interested in utilizing your talents to the betterment of the club.
Welcome New Members:
- Brandon Rockefeller
Upcoming Events:
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s August 6, 2023
- Annual Picnic – Knoeble’s Amusement Resort August 12, 2023 **Save the Date**
- DE Pocono September 15th
- Treffen St. Lous in Fall September 20 – 24, 2023
- Rennsport Reunion 7 September 28 – October 4, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s September 30, 2023
- Pine View Run- Laps October 7, 2023 **Save the Date***
- Boardwalk Reunion Ocean City NJ October 14, 2023.
- PCA Christmas Party December 2, 2023, at The Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel.
- Princess Cruise Western Caribbean December 9 to 16, 2023
- Parade 2024 will be in Birmingham AL June 9 – 15 2024
Looking forward to see you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
June 2023 : May and June Events
June 2023
Subject: May and June Events
Porsche’s 75th Anniversary:
Porsche Wyoming Valley celebrated Porsche’s 75th anniversary on June 10. It was a great event with at least 45 cars in attendance. There was a great spread of food and ice cream. There were 3 prizes for the People’s Choice Award. Walt Wier took first place, Dominic Yannuzzi came in second and Bill Spudis third. Goodie bags were given to each participant. We had perfect weather and it was enjoyed by all who were in attendance.
Royal Shine Event:
The event at Royal Shine on May 13 also had a great turn out. A demonstration of paint correction was given as well as vinyl wrap for car protection and options to protect wheels for easy cleaning. Many from the event scheduled to have services done to protect their car. RT Horch was the lucky winner of a free service.
We still have our build a shoebox challenge going on to build 75 shoeboxes in honor of our 75th anniversary. We have 2 boxes packed so far. You simply click on the link below, select a child and age range and fill the box with goodies. Tax deductible donation is $25 per box. Won’t you help us meet this challenge? Sponsorship/challenge will continue until Thanksgiving. A link is also available on our website under About>Sponsors.
Upcoming Meetings:
We will be holding the June 20th Member meeting at Sand Springs Country Club. Dinner is at 6:00 PM and the meeting starts after everyone has placed their dinner order. Use the below link to register for the meeting. We hope to present the American Heart Association with the funds raised at the Charity Laps last month at Pocono. With the partnership of Riesentoter, Pocono region raised a total of $27,310.65 for this worthy cause and in memory of Ryan J Martin.
Please see agenda below. Meeting minutes from May will be distributed later in the week.
Reminder: if you have documents that need to be saved in the “GloveBox”, please provide them to me to be uploaded for permanent storage.
Registration is now open for “Don’s Antiques” on July 15th at 12:30. You do not want to miss this event. We plan to enjoy a brief 20-minute ride to Montdale Dairy in Scott Township after the tour for any who would like some ice cream.
Time is running out to register for the Watkins Glen trip on Saturday, June 17th. Don’t delay, sign up now! https://www.motorsportreg.
We continue to make the finishing touches on the Knoebles Picnic on August 12th. We will be posting the registration link soon.
We have some vacancies to fill if you would be interested in the following positions:
PCA Juniors – this is a position at the National Level.
Activities – Would you like to plan Cars & Coffee a few times a year? Any other fun activities are welcome.
Webmaster – Looking for someone to help keep our website up to date and work alongside Symbion Design.
Please contact me if you would be interested in utilizing your talents to the betterment of the club.
Welcome New Members:
We’d like to add a new segment to the newsletter. We would like to welcome those that have joined since January and those who are new each month.
- Marek Zieba
- Vincent Harmany
- Adam Muncan
- JP & Michelle Moshey
- Nancy Vrabel
- Jan Wessel
- Roger Cooper
- Christine Clark
Upcoming Events:
- DE NJ Motorsport June 16th
- PCA Club Racing Watkin’s Glen June 16 – June 18, 2023
- Watkin’s Glen trip to track with 3 Parade Laps for $30.00, June 17, 2023.
-This event has many components to choose from including lunch, Corning Tour, overnight stay and brunch the next morning.
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s July 2, 2023
- Private tour of car collection July 15, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s August 6, 2023
- Annual Picnic – Knoebles Amusement Resort August 12, 2023 **Save the Date**
- DE Pocono September 15th
- Treffen St. Lous in Fall September 20 – 24, 2023
- Rennsport Reunion 7 September 28 – October 4, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s September 30, 2023
- Pine View Run- Laps October 7, 2023 **Save the Date***
- Boardwalk Reunion Ocean City NJ October 14, 2023.
- PCA Christmas Party December 2, 2023, at The Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel.
- Princess Cruise Western Caribbean December 9 to 16, 2023
- Parade 2024 will be in Birmingham AL June 9 – 15 2024
Looking forward to see you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
May 2023 : Hurray, Hurray it’s finally May!
May 8, 2023
Subject: Hurray, Hurray it’s finally May!
ASME Car Show, Our First Sponsor, and PCA’s GloveBox.
Porsche Wyoming Valley had a Pop-Up cars and coffee on April 15th. There was a good turn out with several Porsche owners who are not currently members. We were able to share all the upcoming events so hopefully we will have some new members soon.
Three members took the ride to the ASME car show. There was a good turnout and it was a beautiful day for a car show. Dean Weir won 1st place in European and young John Voda won a trophy in the domestic’s category.
Thank you to all who participated in the Charity Laps at Pocono. It was a great success. We had about 30 people and 18 cars that participated. A few stayed to take advantage of the Porsche Experience “Ride Along”. It was great to meet Lisa Wahl’s family and we were thankful to raise money to benefit the American Heart Association. Additionally, Randy Duckworth acquired his instructor status. Please congratulate him on his achievement.
We have our first sponsor!! Mehoopany Baptist Church (where we had our picnic the last two years) has heard about Porsche’s 75th anniversary and has challenged us to pack 75 boxes for underprivileged children around the world through Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child. You simply click on the link below, select a child and age range and fill the box with goodies. Tax deductible donation is $25 per box. Won’t you help us meet this challenge? Sponsorship/challenge will continue until Thanksgiving. A link is also available on our website under About>Sponsors.
Upcoming Meetings:
We will be holding the May 16th Member meeting at Smuggler’s Cove. Dinner is at 6:00 PM and the meeting starts after everyone has placed their dinner order.
Have you served on the board at any time and have documents that need to be saved? PCA has a storage application “GloveBox” to preserve required documents and the history of the club. If you have documents that need to be saved, please provide them to me to be uploaded for permanent storage.
You do not want to miss the Royal Shine event coming up May 13th. We have had a great response of 22 members registered. We’d love to see you there!
We have added our second date for Cars and Coffee, Sunday June 4 from 9 – 11. This event is purposely scheduled to give you the opportunity to check out the autocross at the Pocono track starting at 10:45. Check it out, see the cars, and get the “bug” to get involved. Registration is now open.
We have (re)scheduled a date for a private tour of collector cars. Save the date for July 15th at 12:30. This was originally set for May 20th, however we wanted to spread out the events to keep the fun going all Summer long. We may add a drive before or after. Stay tuned. Registration open:
Have you signed up for the Watkin’s Glen trip yet? We only had a few signed up for the overnight stay at the Radison Hotel. The block of rooms will be released on May 18th. Don’t delay in booking your reservation.
Upcoming Events and Save the Dates:
- Royal Shine Auto Detailing LLC – May 13, 2023, Registration open (
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s June 4, 2023
- Cars & Coffee Pocono Organics June 4, 2023.
- PCA 75th Celebration June 10th at Napleton Porsche. Open to all Porsche owners, invite your non-PCA friends
- DE NJ Motorsport June 16th
- PCA Club Racing Watkin’s Glen June 16 – June 18, 2023
- Watkin’s Glen trip to track with 3 Parade Laps for $30.00, June 17, 2023
—This event has many components to choose from including lunch, Corning Tour, overnight stay and brunch the next morning. Be looking for registration coming soon on Motorsport - Parade Palm Springs June 18-24, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s July 2, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s August 6, 2023
- Annual Picnic – Knoebles Amusement Resort August 12, 2023 **Save the Date**
- DE Pocono September 15th
- Treffen St. Lous in Fall September 20 – 24, 2023
- Rennsport Reunion 7 September 28 – October 4, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s September 30, 2023
- Boardwalk Reunion Ocean City NJ October 14, 2023
- PCA Christmas Party December 2, 2023, at The Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel
- Princess Cruise Western Caribbean December 9 to 16, 2023
- Parade 2024 will be in Birmingham AL June 9 – 15 2024
Looking forward to see you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
April 2023 : Start Your Engines!
April 7, 2023
Subject: Start Your Engines!
We are off and running to a great season of events. We have been busy planning a variety of activities that everyone should find something to enjoy.
We are thankful for those that braved the cold rainy day to attend our first car’s and coffee at T & C Grille in Tunkhannock. We had 7 members who enjoyed a nice breakfast, and some enjoyed a local craft show afterward.
Upcoming Meetings:
We will be holding the April 18th Member meeting at Red Lobster in Wilkes Barre. Dinner is at 6:00 PM and the meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Meeting notes and agenda below.
• Agenda
• Meeting Minutes
The ASME car show is fast approaching on April 16. We have arranged for a pre-drive to the event starting from Perkins at 1085 Wilkes Barre Township Blvd, Wilkes-Barre Township, PA 18702 at 8:30. This is a short but exciting drive to Wilkes University. ASME Registration is $20 day of show, pre-registration closed.
We have added our second date for Cars and Coffee, Sunday June 4 from 9 – 11. This event is purposely scheduled to give you the opportunity to check out the autocross at the Pocono track starting at 10:45. Check it out, see the cars, and get the “bug” to get involved. Registration is now open.
Looking for a part for your Porsche? The swap meet may have just what you need. Our region will have a booth there so if you have something to sell or just want a place to hang out, look us up. Since many members enjoy getting there early, we decided to organize a return drive which will end at Cracker Barrel at 228 Mall Blvd Bloomsburg where we could enjoy a dinner together before heading home. We plan to leave the swap meet at 2 PM.
Need some swag? Did you know we have a goodie store? You can view some of our items on our website. Look under “about” to find the store. The store is always at the membership meetings where you can pick up an item without shipping. New items have arrived, Men’s jackets and Polo’s. Those items will be posted soon. Items are limited, first come first served.
We are finalizing details for Charity Laps at Pocono Raceway on Saturday May 6th. Minimum donation $25. Look for more details soon as well as registration on Motor Sport Reg.
Motor Sport Reg has implemented a $2.00 transaction fee for scheduled events requiring payment to register. There is No Charge for free events.
We will also give you an opportunity to give donations towards planned trips or events to help cover the costs of organizing these events and the expenses of running the club.
Upcoming Events and Save the Dates:
- ASME car show at Wilkes University, April 16, 2023 to benefit “Ruth’s Place”.
- Swap Meet, Carlisle April 29, 2023, followed by return drive
- Charity Laps at Pocono May 6th. Look for registration on MotorsportReg soon
- DE Pocono Southeast Course May 5-7. Registration open February 1, 2023
- Royal Shine Auto Detailing LLC – May 13, 2023, Registration open (
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s June 4, 2023
- Cars & Coffee Pocono Organics June 4, 2023.
- PCA 75th Celebration June 10th at Napleton Porsche. Open to all Porsche owners, invite your non-PCA friends
- DE NJ Motorsport June 16th
- PCA Club Racing Watkin’s Glen June 16 – June 18, 2023
- Watkin’s Glen trip to track with 3 Parade Laps for $30.00, June 17, 2023
—This event has many components to choose from including lunch, Corning Tour, overnight stay and brunch the next morning. Be looking for registration coming soon on Motorsport - Parade Palm Springs June 18-24, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s July 2, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s August 6, 2023
- Annual Picnic – Knoebles Amusement Resort August 12, 2023 **Save the Date**
- DE Pocono September 15th
- Treffen St. Lous in Fall September 20 – 24, 2023
- Rennsport Reunion 7 September 28 – October 4, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s September 30, 2023
- Boardwalk Reunion Ocean City NJ October 14, 2023
- PCA Christmas Party December 2, 2023, at The Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel
- Princess Cruise Western Caribbean December 9 to 16, 2023
- Parade 2024 will be in Birmingham AL June 9 – 15 2024
Looking forward to see you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
March 2023 : March Presidents Newsletter
March 9, 2023
Subject: Some Upcoming Events and Important Dates
To kick off Spring, our first event has been scheduled for March 25, Cars & Coffee at T & C Grille in Tunkhannock. We look forward to getting outside, catching up with one another and enjoying our vehicles once again.
VIR Reunion Club Race March 24-26, 2023 : DRIVERS NEEDED!! Registration open on
Upcoming Meetings:
We will be holding the March 21st Member meeting at Mendicino’s in Covington Township. Dinner is at 6:00 PM and meeting starts at 7:00 PM. Meeting notes and agenda will be sent separately.
April 18th Member meeting will be at the Red Lobster in Wilkes Barre.
Noteworthy: We are pleased to present the advertising flyer attached. If you or someone you know would like to advertise on the site, please follow the directions on the flyer. Remember to check out our web site and patronize those that are advertising. (Advertising Sheet)
Did you know we also have a classified section on the website? We have a few items in the classified section that may be of interest, especially those looking for tires.
Registration for the Flander’s Hotel for the Boardwalk event is already open. This should be a sell out event, so book your rooms now. Don’t miss out! The 944 is the featured model this year.
We will be a sponsor again this year for the ASME car show at Wilkes University on Sunday April 16th. This years benefactor will be Ruth’s Place. Lets make sure we have a good presence at the show to support their efforts.
Make sure to register for the Royal Shine event coming in May (see below). They are excited to host us at their facility and putting some goodies together, so please get your name on the list!
PCA has organized another Princess Cruise, this time to Western Caribbean. December 9 to 16th 2023. Contact Princess to book your reservation.
We are adding the finishing touches to the Christmas party on December 2. Make sure to save the date!
Do you enjoy working with kids and securing the future of PCA by involving the next generation? You might be the right person to be the next PCA Junior National Chair. Please let us know if you would be interested in this important role within PCA.
Interested in getting involved in Autocross? See attached list of upcoming events. Check it out! (2023 Autocross Schedule)
Upcoming events and Save the Dates:
- Cars and Coffee T & C Grill March 25, Tunkhannock
- VIR March 24-26, 2023.
- ASME car show at Wilkes University, April 16, 2023 to benefit “Ruth’s Place”.
- Swap Meet, Carlisle April 29, 2023, look for registration for a “pre-drive” soon.
- DE Pocono SouthEast Course May 5-7. Registration open February 1, 2023
- Royal Shine Auto Detailing LLC – May 13, 2023, Registration open
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s June 4, 2023
- PCA 75th Celebration June 10th at Napleton Porsche. Open to all Porsche owners, invite your non-PCA friends.
- DE NJ Motorsport June 16th
- PCA Club Racing Watkin’s Glen June 16 – June 18, 2023
- Watkin’s Glen trip to track with 3 Parade Laps for $30.00, June 17, 2023 — This event has many components to choose from including lunch, Corning Tour, overnight stay and brunch the next morning. Be looking for registration coming soon on MotorsportReg.
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s July 2, 2023
- Parade Palm Springs June 18-24, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s August 6, 2023
- DE Pocono September 15th
- Treffen St. Lous in Fall September 20 – 24, 2023
- Rennsport Reunion 7 September 28 – October 4, 2023
- PCA Autocross Long Pond Pocono’s September 30, 2023
- Boardwalk Reunion Ocean City NJ October 14, 2023, book your room now at The Flander’s.
- PCA Christmas Party December 2, 2023 at The Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel.
- Princess Cruise Western Caribbean December 9 to 16, 2023
- Parade 2024 will be in Birmingham AL June 9 – 15 2024
Looking forward to see you soon at an upcoming event!
Beth Herwig
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
December 2022 : Upcoming Events and Important Dates
December 16, 2022
Subject: Some Upcoming Events and Important Dates
A few things to make you aware of:
• There has been a recent resignation of the Zone 2 Club Race Chair position.
• We have an opening for the Activities chair – someone to plan Cars & Coffee’s and other fun events.
Please let me know if you would like to fill either of these roles.
— Upcoming Meetings —
The January and February BOD and Membership meetings will be via Zoom. I will send out the meeting link closer to the date.
— Upcoming Events and Important Dates —
- Tech Tactics East — Easton, PA, Sat. Feb 18, 2023 (Registration opens 01/18/2023)
- Werks Reunion 2023 at Amelia March 3, 2023 (Registration open)
- Zone 2 Club Race at VIR — March 23-26, 2023
- Treffen Georgia Mountains – April 19-23, 2023 (Registration opens 01/04/2023)
- Porsche Parade 2023 — Palm Springs, CA, June 18-24, 2023 (Registration opens 02/01/2023)
- Treffen St. Lous — Sept 20 – 24, 2023
- Rennsport Reunion 7 — Monterey, CA, Sept 28 – Oct 1, 2023
- Boardwalk Reunion — Ocean City, NJ, Oct 14, 2023
- Porsche Parade 2024 — Birmingham, Alabama, June 9 – 15
— PCA National Awards —
If you would like to nominate someone for the following categories, input due by December 31st, categories:
- Region of the Year
- Enthusiast of the Year
- Family of the Year
- Public Service Award
Thanks, and enjoy the holidays!
Beth Herwig
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
December 2022 : Pocono Region President’s Farewell
December 15, 2022
Subject: Pocono Region President’s Farewell
Happy Holidays to Everyone!
As I finish up the last of my Presidential duties from the past two years, I just want to thank everyone many times over for all the help and guidance and encouraging words that were given to me, either in person or by text or email. It was a tremendous pleasure to be your Region President for the past two years, and I enjoyed every minute of it. The region grew in size as we got many new members, we had wonderful events, including the Porsche Parade at Kalahari, and made many new lifelong friends along the way. I want to wish the incoming Board of Directors the best of luck in all they pursue for the Club in the next year and am confident that they will continue to grow the Club and be highly successful in all they do.
On a side note, many of you know that Jim and I will be permanently relocating to South Carolina in early 2023 and send out an invitation to anyone that is in the Myrtle Beach area to look us up. We would love to see you and talk. We will miss everyone tremendously here as a lot of you have been part of our “Porsche Family” forever. We will eventually become members of the Palmetto Region and who knows? We may even run into you at an event somewhere.
The Mahogany Metallic Porsche Boxster S has already been relocated and certainly enjoys the warmer weather and nearly year-round top-down sunshine! Watch for it! You never know where it will be!
Thanks again for all your support the past 2 years and remember…..”It’s not Just the Cars…,It’s the People.” Wishing all Pocono Region members happy and safe holidays!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
November 2022 : Thanksgiving is Just Around the Corner
November 11, 2022
Subject: Thanksgiving is Just Around the Corner
Where Has the Year Gone?
Can you believe that Thanksgiving is just around the corner? Where has the year gone? Hope you are still driving your P-car around during this season. It’s not yet time to put them away!
Monthly Membership Meeting
The last monthly meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday, November 15th at Smuggler’s Cove ( in Tannersville, PA. We will have a private room and we are having a guest speaker. Dave Marra–a Reisentoter Member and supporter and friend of Pocono Region will be talking about and showing his custom Porsche artwork. Be sure to come for the meeting to meet and talk to Dave, if you haven’t already met him. It will be a great event! Come for dinner at 6:00 PM and the meeting will start at 7:00 PM. Be sure to register on for the meeting so we have an accurate account for dinner. We will have elections of our new Board of Directors for 2023. Please come and vote for the great slate of members who have stepped up to continue running the club. Beth Herwig for President, Trish Slusarczyk for Vice President, John Emmett for Secretary, and Ed Slusarczyk for Treasurer. There will also be door prizes and 2 drawings for the $500 oil can. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!!
Register for the Pocono Region Holiday Party
Don’t forget to register on for the Christmas Party on December 3rd at the Beaumont Inn in Dallas. Registration ends at midnight on Saturday November 26th and we are capped at 65 attendees. Don’t wait or you may miss out!
Monthly Membership Meeting Docs
Please see the attached meeting agenda and the minutes from the October Membership Meeting at Harveys Lake which will need to be approved.
November Membership Meeting Agenda
October Membership Meeting Minutes
Hope to see you at Smuggler’s Cove.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
October 2022 : October and Fall Weather
October 13, 2022
Subject: October and Fall Weather
Hope You Get a Chance to Enjoy What This Area is Noted for
Hope you get a chance to enjoy what this area is noted for…the beautiful colors of the leaves, the crisp fall air, and the sunshine. It’s a good time to take a drive and be a “leaf peeper”. The mountains are beautiful this time of year.
Monthly Membership Meeting
Our October Monthly Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday October 18th at Grotto’s Pizza, Route 415 at Harveys Lake, PA. We will be meeting in the parking lot at 5:30PM for a nice drive around the Lake followed by dinner at 6:00 and the meeting at 7:00. Please register at if you are planning on attending.
The Oil Can
We will have 2 drawings for the $500 oil can and the second oil can is rapidly building up as well, close to $300 and rising. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN. There will also be some door prizes given away. You don’t want to miss any of the fun!
Upcoming Events
Saturday October 29th will be a tech session at Second Gear in Stroudsburg. Please register on so we have an accurate account for breakfast sandwiches and coffee and donuts provided by the Club. Also coming up on Wednesday November 9th is the Open House at the newly remodeled Lehigh Valley Porsche. We have been invited by the Sales Manager and the RTR Region to attend this special event. Lots of good food is usually served. Stay tuned for more information.
Our Final Membership Meeting of the year will be held on Tuesday November 15th at Smuggler’s Cove in Tannersville, PA. Registration is open at We will have a special speaker in attendance. Dave Marra, friend and supporter and former Pocono Region member and currently a Reisentoter Member, will be showing off his Porsche Art that he creates. One of our members won a gorgeous custom picture at last years Christmas Party and Dave has told me that he will offer a certificate for another one this year. Make sure to come out and support him and see what he creates. Also at the November meeting we will vote for your new officers for the 2023 year. The current slate is Beth Herwig for President, Trish Slusarcyzk for Vice President, John Emmett for Secretary, and Ed Slusarczyk for Treasurer.
Monthly Membership Meeting Docs
Please see the attached agenda and the minutes from the September Monthly Meeting which will also be up for approval.
October 2022 Membership Agenda
September 2022 Monthly Meeting Minutes
Hope to see you soon.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
September 2022 : And Here We are in Fall!
September 14, 2022
Subject: And Here We are in Fall!
I hope everyone of you had a blast driving those P-cars
Wow! And here we are in Fall! Didn’t this summer just fly by? I hope everyone of you had a blast driving those P-cars. And now starts some of the best and scenic drives–fall leaves, cooler temperatures for those tops down and lots of upcoming events.
Members of our Region have been very busy planning a huge host of event for September and October–something for everyone to take advantage of. Check out the list below of upcoming events. Stay tuned for more information on them on Facebook and the Website and through texting and e-mail blasts. If you have any questions about any of them, please contact me.
Speaking of text messaging, we are now using a NEW text messaging system to send monthly reminders about meetings, upcoming events and any last minute gatherings or changes due to weather or road conditions. If you would like to receive these text messages (there are not more than 1 or 2 a month), you must have a registered account on That is the database that is now being used. If you are already registered, make sure your cell phone number is listed and nothing else needs to be done. If you have not registered and want to be included, you just need to go to and set up an account. Be sure to include your cell phone number.
The Pocono Region received a lovely thank you note from Monroe County Meals on Wheels for the coolers that were donated to them for use in their daily meal delivery program. The Region had received quite a few of them at the conclusion of the Porsche Parade at Kalahari. They were used for ice and water at various venues throughout the week. See the attachment below.
Monthly Membership Meeting
The September Monthly Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday September 20th at Leggio’s Italian Restaurant, https://www.leggios.
Check out all these upcoming events for the next couple of months. Everything from drives to autocross to tech sessions—something for everyone to participate in and enjoy.
Save The Dates
—Saturday September 24th–Autocross at Pocono with RTR/NNJ
—Saturday September 24th–Cars and Coffee at Brewski’s in Bloomsburg–9:00AM- Noon
—Friday October 7th–First Friday–Heaven and Earth Cafe in Scranton–evening–time TBD
—Sunday October 9th–Oktoberfest Drive and Lunch and New Members Gathering ending at Elk Mountain
–Saturday October 15th–Boardwalk Reunion in Ocean City, NJ–all day event
–Tuesday October 18th–Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting at Grotto’s Pizza in Harvey’s Lake–Gathering at 5:00 PM for a drive around the lake–dinner at 6:00 PM–meeting at 7:00 PM
–Saturday October 29th–Tech Session at Second Gear in Stroudsburg–9:00 AM – Noon
–Saturday December 3rd–Pocono Region Christmas Party at The Beaumont Inn in Dallas–6:00 PM
Stay tuned for updates on all of the above events. Come on out and enjoy the ride!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
August 2022 : Pocono Summer Picnic
August 1, 2022
Subject: Pocono Region Summer Picnic
Just a quick reminder about our upcoming summer picnic. The date is Saturday August 6th at the pavilion on the grounds of the Mehoopany Baptist Church in Mehoopany, PA. Please register at ASAP as registration will be closing on Wednesday, August 3rd. This will be a catered event so an accurate count in needed to prepare enough food. Rain or shine as we are under cover! Plus it is a beautiful drive on great country roads…perfect for the Porsche!
Breakfast baked goods, fresh fruit and coffee will be available starting at 10:00 AM. Enjoy some fellowship time under the pavilion and enjoy seeing the cars arrive. Please use the upper entrance to the parking lot, not the gravel road.
Lunch will be served in the church gymnasium around 1:00 PM and will consist of chicken salad sandwiches, sausage and pepper sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, pasta salad, and a pickle tray. And you don’t want to miss out on dessert!!!—3 flavors of homemade ice cream!
The cost per adult is $25.00 payable through registration at
We will have games (left-right-center—bring 3 $1 bills per person—winner takes all the money) plus a few surprise car activities!
Our NEW goodie store items will be on display and available for purchase and door prizes and 2 oil can drawings for $500. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!
See you at the picnic! There will be NO membership meeting in August.
Hope to see you soon.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
July 11, 2022 : Mid-July Already!
July 11, 2022
Subject: I Can’t Believe That it is Mid-July Already!
Lots of things coming up. Stayed tuned for all the details.
Wow! Does it seem to you that time is just flying by? I can’t believe that it is mid-July already! Where does the time go? Hope you are thoroughly enjoying your Porsche out and about in this beautiful weather. Lots of things coming up. Stayed tuned for all the details.
Monthly Membership Meeting
The July monthly membership meeting will be held on Tuesday July 19th at Pocono Brewing Company ( at 2092 PA 611, Swiftwater, PA 18370. Please come at 6:00 for dinner. The meeting will start at 7:00. They have delicious wood-fired pizzas and many other delectable things to choose from Please register on to give us an accurate account of how many people will be attending. This is very important. At last month’s meeting at Eurana Park in Weatherly, we had 12 people that did not register but ate pizza and we ended up running out of pizza for some people who had registered and never got any even though we had ordered extras pies.
The Oil Can
We will be starting a new procedure for the oil can drawing at this meeting. Since we have 2 oil cans available (one for $500 and one for $72) we will be doing two drawings, but both of them will be for the $500 oil can only. We will let the $72 oil can accumulate and build until it too, reaches $500. All monies collected at the meeting, will help build the second pot. If the first name is drawn and the person is not there, we will do a second drawing for the same $500 pot. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN. If neither name drawn are in attendance, it will be held over to the August picnic where we will again do 2 drawings for the $500 oil can.
Upcoming Events
A few things upcoming….The Pocono Region picnic will be held on Saturday August 6th at the Mehoopany Baptist Church Pavilion in Mehoopany, PA. There will be breakfast pastries and coffee/tea available starting at 10:00 AM and lunch will be served around 12:30 followed by a few fun games like Left-Right-Center and some fun car activities like a simple gymkana in the parking lot. There will be some door prizes and oil can drawings as well. You don’t want to miss any of the activities so please put it on your calendar. MUST REGISTER ON MOTORSPORTSREG.COM. Cost is $25.00 per person payable on-line when you complete your registration. There will be NO Monthly Membership Meeting in August. The Pocono Region Goodie Store has been restocked with lots of new items that will be on sale at the Picnic. Time to stock up!
We have a tentative Cars and Coffee in Moscow scheduled for July 30th. Stay tuned for more information
We have a tentative First Friday event in downtown Scranton either in August or September. Stay tuned for more information.
We have a few tentative tech session in the works. Stay tuned for more information.
Executive Board Nominations
John Emmett is seeking nominations for the 2022-2023 Executive Board. All positions are up for grabs. If you are looking for a way to get more actively involved in the Club, without having to devote a lot of time, reach out to any of the current board members for more information about the positions.
Porsche Parade Award
A big apology to member Walt Weir for his fabulous win at the Kalahari Porsche Parade as I missed his name and recognition in the previous list I sent out. Besides winning First Place in his Class for Concours with his Fjord Green1958 356A Coupe Super, he also received the Stuttgart Award for scoring 234.4 points out of 235 points. An amazing feat!! Congratulations!
Monthly Membership Meeting Docs
Please see the Meeting Agenda below as well as the Minutes from last month’s meeting that will need approval,
July 2022 Monthly Membership Agenda
June 2022 Monthly Membership Meeting Minutes
Hope to see you soon.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
June 23, 2022 : The 66th Porsche Parade
June 23, 2022
Subject: The 66th Porsche Parade
For those of you who didn’t join us, we missed you.
Well, the 66th Parade has come to an end here in our back yard. For those of you who registered and participated and volunteered and competed and enjoyed the camaraderie and absolutely gorgeous cars, I don’t need to tell you anything else as you experienced it firsthand. For those of you who didn’t join us, we missed you. It was an event of unequaled quality and sights to be seen.
It was the largest Porsche Parade ever in the 66 year history of Parades. I want to thank everyone in the Pocono Region who stepped up. The Parade is run completely by volunteers and you made me proud to be part of Pocono Region. Here are some staggering statistics. With close to 3000 people in attendance and over 1100 Porsches on the Kalahari property it was a sight to see. There were 1500 volunteer shifts that needed to be filled and 734 volunteers from all across the country and Canada stepped up to the task. They worked a total of 13,000+ hours!!! Staggering numbers.
Here is a list of all the Pocono Region winners throughout the week. We really cleaned up! My apologies if I missed anyone in this list. Please let me know and I will acknowledge in the next email blast.
1st Place in Age Group — Connie Roberts
1st Place and Best of Show and People’s Choice — Bernis Emmett for her gorgeous quilt
1st Place — Camilla Treat for her artwork
3rd Place — Walt Weir for his Porsche clock
1st Place in Class — Todd Treat
2nd Place in Class — Randy Duckworth
5th Place in Class — John Emmett
1st Place in Class — Al Torres
1st Place in Class — Walt Weir
2nd Place in Class — Harry Cooper
5th Place in Class — Deborah Torres
John Novotnak — $600 Porsche Design Leather Back Pack
Joe Herwig, Jim Klimchak, John Novotnak, Cal Otten, Dawn Otten, George Roberts, Ed Slusarcyzk, Russ Smith, Dean Wehr
1st Place with a Junior Navigator — Dominick and Spencer Yannuzzi
Scavenger Hunt — 2nd Place — Spencer Yannuzzi
Tech Quiz — 1st Place — Spencer Yannuzzi
2023 Parade Kids T-shirt Design Winner — Evan Smihosky
2023 Parade Kids Tote Bag Design Winner — Reid Smihosky
RC Cars — off road and on road — 1st Place in their Age Groups — Evan and Reid Smihosky
Mini Golf — 1st Place — Spencer Yannuzzi
3rd Place — Michael Smihosky
4th Place in Boxster/Cayman — John Novotnak
1st in Class — Jim and Margie Becker
2nd Place in Class — Jim Becker
Bernis Emmett
Dominic Yannuzzi
7-day Princess Cruise for 2 to anywhere in the world they sail — Jim Becker
Thank you all!
Hope to see you soon.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
June 8, 2022 : Welcome to Summer!
June 8, 2022
Subject: Welcome to Summer!
Getting Information Out Early
Because a lot of us will be attending the Porsche Parade over the next week, I decided to get the information for the June Monthly Membership Meeting out early so you can get registered on and get it on your calendar. With the hustle and bustle of all the Parade activities, I don’t want anyone to forget about it.
June Monthly Membership Meeting
The June Monthly Membership Meeting will be on Tuesday June 21st, the week after the completion of the Parade, at the Eurana Park Pavilion, 560 3rd St. Weatherly, PA 18255. The Club will be providing FREE PIZZA around 6:15 and the meeting will begin at 7:00. There is a concession stand at the Park for ice cream and other treats after the meeting. You certainly don’t want to miss out on that! It is very important that you register your attendance on as we need to have an accurate account of people so we know how many pizzas to order.
On the agenda will be lots of talk about Parade…all comments welcome and bring along your trophies to show off!. We will also be talking about the upcoming summer picnic on Saturday August 6th and some of the fun activities that are being planned for that event.
Nominations for the 2023 Executive Board
Our Past President, John Emmett, will also be seeking nominations for the 2023 Executive Board. The position of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer are open for anyone who wants to get more involved. It is a wonderful experience to see the inner working of the Region and the Zone and the National organizations and there are a lot of perks to the positions…like a free car and free dinners and a salary! Hahaha…just kidding about the car and dinner and salary!
The Oil Can
The oil can is at $498 so starting this month, we will be drawing 2 oil cans each meeting….one for $500 and one for whatever the amount is over that until we have a winner. There will also be some door prizes and don’t be surprised if a lot of Parade bling shows up to be given away. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN THE OIL CANS AND THE DOOR PRIZES!!!
Meeting Agenda and Minutes
Attached below is the Agenda for the Meeting and the Minutes from the May Membership Meeting which will be up for approval.
June 2022 Membership Meeting Agenda
May 2022 Membership Meeting Minutes
Thanks for being a part of the Pocono Region and see you at Parade and at the Membership Meeting.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
April 14, 2022 : Enjoying This Spring Weather
April 14, 2022
Subject: Hope Everyone is Enjoying This Spring Weather
Spring is Definitely in the Near Future
Porsche Parade at Kalahari Resort
Hope everyone is enjoying this Spring weather….finally. Get those P-cars out and drive them! They are itching to get back on the road as much as you are! Hope those of you that are attending the Porsche Parade at Kalahari in June got all your registrations complete and are set to go. If you have not registered for Parade, registration is still open for the banquets and autocross and a few of the other events. Some of the events are already sold out and have a waitlist. Please check the website for more information. https://www.
Upcoming Events
Lots of things happening in the Region this month. Our Membership Meeting is coming up on Tuesday April 19th at Breaker Brewing Company http://www.
We will review a few upcoming events that are taking place during the month of April plus we will some preliminary information on this years Christmas Party. We are also still collecting donations for our Charity “The Seeing Eye”. The Seeing Eye locally (Morristown, NJ) breeds and raises puppies to become Seeing Eye dogs, as well as trains Seeing Eye dogs to guide blind people, instructs blind people in the proper use, handling, and care of the dogs and conducts and supports research on canine health and development as it’s mission to enhance the independence, dignity and self-confidence of people who are blind. You can make a donation by attending the upcoming Soul Performance tech session or the Carlisle Swap Meet or at this membership meeting. Please register for those events on If you want to mail in a check donation for the charity, please contact me for the mailing address.
Carlisle Swap Meet
Pocono Region has purchased a vendor spot at the Carlisle SwapPocono Region has purchased a vendor spot at the Carlisle Swap Meet next to member Harry Cooper’s Spot. If you have any Porsche-related items that you want to sell, please make arrangements to get them to the swap meet. The items must have a description of what it is and the price and your phone number attached (should there be any questions). You are expected to do a stint there in the vendor space sometime throughout the day and you must take the items home at the end of the day if they do not sell. Please limit it to 3 items, especially if they are large items.Meet next to member Harry Cooper’s Spot. If you have any Porsche-related items that you want to sell, please make arrangements to get them to the swap meet. The items must have a description of what it is and the price and your phone number attached (should there be any questions). You are expected to do a stint there in the vendor space sometime throughout the day and you must take the items home at the end of the day if they do not sell. Please limit it to 3 items, especially if they are large items.
The Oil Can
Oil can is at $405 and door prizes will be given out. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!
Please see the March Membership Meeting minutes attached below. They will be up for approval and the Meeting Agenda is also attached.
Hope to see you at the meeting.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
March 9, 2022 : It is Already Mid-March
March 9, 2022
Subject: Can You Believe That it is Already Mid-March?
Spring is Definitely in the Near Future

photo: Alessandro Venturi
Get Your P-Car Ready to Go
Wow! Can you believe that it is already mid-March? The weather may not be cooperating but Spring is definitely in the near future. Take these next couple of weeks to get the P-car ready to go. We have a great line up of calendar items for March and April and you will want to Save the Dates and come join us for fun and fellowship and lots of Porsche information!
Monthly Membership Meeting
The March General Membership Meeting will be held in-person only at Red Lobster, 10 East End Center, Wilkes-Barre, PA beginning at 7:00 PM. Please arrive at 6:00 PM if you are planning to have dinner. You must register for the meeting and/or dinner at Do that today, so you don’t forget!
Porsche Parade 2022
If you registered for the Porsche Parade in June at Kalahari, Phase II Registration will open on Wednesday, April 6th at noon. This is when you will register additional guests, PCA Juniors and you will pick your events, banquets. tours, competitive and non-competitive events, as well as signing up for all the volunteer shifts. (If you work at least two 4-hour shifts, you can go to the FREE Volunteer Party where they give away tons of things and at least 1 set of tires). You will be receiving an email from me with a Zoom link for all the information you will need to know to register. It is a lot more complex than Phase I registration and it will be very important for you to make every effort to attend the Zoom presentation with a PCA National Staff member. The full schedule of events can be found at the website and the page is being updated daily so check back often. The best thing to do is decide what days you will be attending the Parade and then make a schedule so you have everything planned as you cannot just walk in and partake of events on the fly. You must be registered for every event you plan on attending during Phase II registration. The Pirelli Welcome Party on Sunday evening (June 12), the Parade of Porsche on Saturday morning (June 18) (Hint–hint It has something to do with the Tricky Triangle!), the Volunteer Party on Saturday Afternoon (June 18) if you have worked at least 2 shifts, and the Reliable Carriers Victory Banquet on Saturday evening (June 18) are the premier events that should be on everyone’s schedule. And if you want to see the best of the best, plan on walking around the Concours d’elegance site on the beautiful Pocono Manor Golf Course on Monday (June 13). Most of the events, especially the tours, have a maximum cap on them, so do not wait to complete Phase II Registration.
PCA Launching Drone Pilot Program
FOR ALL YOU DRONE PEOPLE OUT THERE! BIG NEWS FROM PCA NATIONAL! It was announced that PCA will be launching a pilot program to allow drones at certain PCA events. In order to have a drone, Regions must comply with PCA Drone Minimum Standards, which includes insurance minimums, licensed pilots, and approval by PCA three weeks before using the drone. The Region will need to read and comply with the complete rules before operating a drone. The program will be launched April 4, 2022. That will be the first day the Region may apply for drone use. It is NOT the first day a Region may use a drone. Please keep an eye out for more information. There will be a Region Focus presentation in March that will cover the new drone pilot program. Please let me know if you are interested in the Region Focus presentation and I will make sure you get the information and link. Until the program launches, the current no-drone policy remains in effect. After the program launches, you may not use a drone at an event without completing the necessary requirements, which are explained in forthcoming PCA Drone Minimum Standards.
Drivers Education Participants
FOR ALL YOU DRIVERS EDUCATION PARTICIPANTS OUT THERE! The effects of the pandemic continue to disrupt the supple chain of manufactured products across the nation. Harness and restraint manufacturers and distributors are experiencing delays in inventory replenishment, this resulting in many back-ordered items. The PCA National DE Committee and National Safety Chair, in conjunction with the General Counsel/Insurance Chair, have approved to extend the usage of restraint systems with the current expiration date of 12/31/21 through the period of 6/30/2022. This should provide ample time for PCA HPDE drivers to order and receive their preferred restraint systems for replacement. Please check your harness/restraint expiration dates and place orders early as they may be slow to fulfill. Below is the current Minimum Standard for harnesses for your review. A full copy of the complete DE Minimum Standards can be found at this link
If the participant chooses to install a five, six, or seven point driving harness, several changes to the automobile must be made to create a safe occupant restraint system. Harnesses must:
- Include an antisubmarine strap.
- Five, six or seven point SFI or FIA approved competition harnesses are required and must be properly mounted in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications. Belts must be replaced no later than five years after the date of manufacture. It is left to the owners discretion as to whether the belts should be replaced more frequently than required.
- Have all harness attachment points secured/mounted in an approved manner consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Be used in conjunction with a seat that has the supplied routing holes for the shoulder and antisubmarine belts.
- Have the shoulder straps mounted in an approved manner consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions.
- The participant should BE AWARE that the addition of such a seat and harness system results in the occupant being fastened upright in the vehicle. Therefore, in order to have a COMPLETE SYSTEM, a properly padded roll bar or roll cage is recommended, and an approved head and neck restraint device is required. A head and neck restraint device certified as meeting the standards of either SFI 38.1 or FIA 8858 or its successor is required. The use of such a harness system without roll protection and a head and neck restraint device may result in an unsafe environment and is not a COMPLETE SYSTEM. Roll bars or cages and their installation must meet PCA Club Racing Standards.
When using a head and neck restraint device, it is recommended that one follow the SFI Recertification process for the head and neck restraint device. The instructions for this can be found on the device. Additionally, it is recommended that the straps be replaced every five years.
The SFI standard requires seat belt to be replaced every two years based on date of manufacture. The FIA standard requires the seat belt to be replaced every five years based on date of manufacture. It is left to the driver’s discretion as to whether the belts should be replaced more frequently than required.
Four-point systems are not allowed, EXCEPT as noted below, in Porsches because of the integrated headrest supplied by the factory. In addition to the standard SFI and/or FIA-approved five- and/or six-point system, a four-point system is allowed in non-Porsches that meet the following requirements:
- Meets the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 209.
- Attaches to the factory seat belt mounting points.
- Each belt is designed to work in a specific vehicle and that vehicle tag must be attached to the belt system.
Four Point Belt Exception: Schroth has developed a four point harness for specific vehicles. These vehicles must be fitted with the original factory seats with which the cars and belts were tested. The belts must also be installed per the Schroth instructions. The belts are Federal Motor Vehicle Standard 209, and as such they are deemed street legal and approved by federal seat belt safety regulations. These belts also have labeling confirming the intended use for these specified vehicle models. They are ONLY allowed in the vehicle with which they were tested. These belts are allowed for five years from date of manufacture.
Effective January 1, 2022, all DE/Autocross drivers must have helmets with the Snell certification of either SA2015 or SA2020. There appears to be a suitable amount of helmet inventory with the newer certifications within the current supply chain so please check your expiration date to insure you are in compliance.
If you have any questions or would like more information about DE or Autocross, please reach out to our DE Chair–Randy Duckworth at or our Autocross Chair–Chris Grenzberg at
February 2022 Membership Meeting Minutes
Calendar of Events March/April 2022
Please see the Agenda for the March Membership Meeting as well as the Minutes from the February Membership Meeting which will need approval. Also attached is the current Calendar of Events for March and April which are also listed on and all need to be signed up for there if you are planning on attending any of them.
The Oil Can
The Oil Can is at $356 and door prizes will be given away. YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!
Come on out of winter hibernation and join the activities. See you on Tuesday at Red Lobster.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
February 25, 2022 : Welcome to February....Finally
February 24, 2022
Subject: Welcome to February….Finally!
We Are on Our Way Out of Winter and into Spring Porsche Season.
Welcome to February….finally! Always a good sign that we are on our way out of winter and into Spring and P-car season. Don’t believe that silly Groundhog! What does he know about the weather?
Porsche Parade 2022
I hope that you have already registered for the 2022 Porsche Parade in June at Kalahari in our back yard. If you haven’t done so, please don’t wait to complete it. Go to for all the information. You won’t want to miss out on all the excitement!
Monthly Membership Meeting
This month’s Membership Meeting will be held IN PERSON…Zoom will not be available… at Mendocino’s Pizza at 921 Drinker Turnpike, Covington Township, PA 18444. We had a great meeting there last year and they have a private room for us to use…always a plus for meetings. Please come at 6:00 PM if you are having dinner and the meeting will start at 7:00 PM.
Please be advised that you need to register for all Monthly Meetings this year, if you are planning on coming for dinner. It is important that we give the restaurants a head count so they can provide adequate staffing for us. To register for the meeting/dinner, you need to have a account set up. Go to the Motorsport.Reg website and set up your account first. It is simple to do. You only need your name and email address and a cell phone number if you want to receive text notifications about our events. We will be using this platform for ALL Pocono Region events, not just the Membership Meetings, so get your account set up today! Once you have set up an account, it is very easy to register.
Follow these steps:
- Go to our Pocono Region website at (Check out the website. It’s new and improved!)
- On Calendar, drop down to Event Registration
- Scroll to the green box at the bottom of the page.
- Click on the link
- Click on the name of the event under upcoming events
- Complete the registration process adding you and all guests who will be in attendance for dinner.
- You will receive an email confirmation that you are registered and you are done!
We will have some door prizes and the oil can is at $310. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!
Meeting Agenda and Meeting Minutes
Please see the Meeting agenda and the January Membership Meeting Minutes attached below which will be up for approval
Hope to see you at the meeting.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
January 28, 2022 : Pocono Region Upcoming News Bits
January 28, 2022
Subject: Pocono Region Upcoming News Bits
Happy Winter Everyone! Stay warm this weekend. It’s going to be a rough one!
A few things–don’t forget about Parade Registration! It opens on Wednesday February 2nd at 12 noon. Make sure if you are registering that your information is up-to-date with the National Office as they will use that information to contact you. If you have any questions, prior to registration, please reach out to me.
Board Vacancies
Pocono Region is looking for a couple of things. We are working with the company that developed our Website to bring it up to the standard that is necessary to enter it in the Parade Website competition. There are a few areas that we are a little lacking in and are looking for members to step up and help us out. If there is anyone who would like to be a member of the Board of Directors–we meet the first Tuesday of every month—sometimes in person, sometimes by Zoom—we have 2 openings—–Autocross and Drivers Education. I know that Pocono Region does not have an active presence ourselves in either of those categories, but we are looking for someone to join the board as one of those chairs so we have all categories covered. The Board would not be expecting you to start either of those programs within the Region currently, but be a place holder for future events should the Region wish to pursue those activities. Please contact me at if you are interested.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Second thing we are looking for is some classified ads from members that have something Porsche/car related to sell. They may only be put there temporarily for the next few months as we are being judged. If you have something to sell, send a brief description and clear photo with your name and contact info and price and I will see if we can get it posted. We are also looking for sponsors for our website. If you have a business or know somebody who does and would like to find out more about sponsorship opportunities and pricing for the Pocono Region website, please contact Jim at
Available Storage?
Third thing, the National Parade committee is looking for Region members who have storage areas available–garages/warehouses/
That’s it for now. Don’t forget about Registration on Wednesday February 2nd at noon! Let’s show the country that Pocono Region is the best! We are expecting a BIG turnout of people from the Region to register. Don’t disappoint us!!!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
January 23, 2022 : PHASE I Registration – 2022 Porsche Parade
Subject: PHASE I Registration – 2022 Porsche Parade
Phase I of registration for the 2022 Porsche Parade at Kalahari will open at noon on Wednesday, February 2nd. This registration must be completed if you are planning to attend any or all of the Parade. You cannot just walk into the Parade to volunteer or visit the displays or attend seminars or even get to the Goodie Store or Hospitality and the vendors without an official Parade badge. So register! It will be many, many years before the Parade even returns to the East Coast and be this close to us. You will not regret having that badge and being able to come and go as you want and experience what you would not ever have the chance to do so this close to home. You will see a fabulous array of cars and meet people from all across the country and participate in fun and informative activities, some of which are totally free of charge!
Things You Need to Do Prior to Registration
If you have not watched the PowerPoint attached below, it is very important that you do so. It will explain all the things you need to do prior to registration to make sure you are ready and the couple of steps you need to do to get your registration complete. Phase I registration will be 2 steps. The first will be to register for the Parade itself. The cost is $250 which is for you and a co-member (must be a member of PCA) and 1 car. That will get you entry to Hospitality, Concours, Goodie Store, Vendors, Seminars, ice-cream social, volunteer party (if you complete 2 shifts) and can observe at all events that are taking place around the resort. Once you have completed that registration, you will be sent a confirmation email with your official entrant number and a link to register for housing at Kalahari along with an access code. DO NOT CALL KALAHARI TO MAKE YOUR ROOM RESERVATION. YOU MUST USE THE LINK AND ACCESS CODE PROVIDED IN THE CONFIRMATION EMAIL. Please continue to check the website every few days as it is being updated with valuable information daily. On the website, you will see the accommodations at Kalahari ranging from single rooms up to 5 bedroom suites that can be shared by friends and family. Please know what kind of room you want prior to registration, It will make the process go much smoother. If you are sharing a suite with friends or family members, only one person can book the shared suite so it is important that you have that conversation with those you are sharing the suite with before you sign on to register. Do not wait to complete the hotel registration. Do it as soon as you receive the link. The Parade registration will not sell out but the rooms will, so don’t decide that you will do that part later in the day or the next day. The rooms will be gone by then. Do not be discouraged if you do not get the room you want. If you get a confirmation that a room was reserved, you are guaranteed a room. You can then work with the Housing Bureau (not Kalahari) to request a change and in most cases they will be able to accommodate your request as we get closer to June. If you are not staying at Kalahari at all during the week, you can just disregard the housing link that will be automatically sent to you.
The Initial Registration Process
Please be advised that during the initial registration process you will register yourself and your co-member only. If you are entering any of the competitive events like concours, TSD rally or autocross and are partnering with someone other than your spouse (brother/sister/adult child, other family member, friend) they will need to be registered as your co-member and they will need to be a PCA member and you will need their PCA membership number. During Phase II registration in April is when you will register other family members, spouse (if not your co-member), children, friends, and/or other guests.
Please be patient. Make sure you are somewhere that has a very solid internet connection and do not be discouraged if you get booted off repeatedly or your screen freezes up. Stay with it and you will get registered! Remember, there will be over a thousand people hitting that site all at the same time and it will take time to get everyone through.
If you have any questions at all after watching the PowerPoint slides prior to registration, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.
Phase I Parade Registration (PowerPoint, 28 slides)
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
January 12, 2022 : Welcome to 2022
Subject: Welcome to 2022
Happy New Year — Welcome, everyone, to a brand new year! Hope all of you had a wonderful Holiday season with friends and family and hoping that all of you are safe and healthy and ready for some exciting new Porsche events in 2022. This cold weather is rough to deal with but it makes Spring all the more enjoyable. Be safe out on the roads—whether you are in your Porsche or in something else.
Monthly Membership Meeting
First item of business is that the January Membership Meeting scheduled for Red Lobster in Wilkes-Barre has been cancelled as an in-person meeting and has been rescheduled to March at that same location. Because of the rising number of Covid cases, your Board of Directors decided to hold this month’s meeting on ZOOM ONLY. It will begin at 7:00 PM on Tuesday January 18th. The link is below. There will be some very important information given out at the meeting about registration for the 2022 Porsche Parade at Kalahari in June. PHASE 1 Registration opens up at Noon on Wednesday February 2nd. Phase 1 registration is for the general Parade Registration and once you complete that, you will immediately be sent a link for Hotel Reservations at Kalahari Resort, if you will be attending the Parade and staying on site. It is recommended that you look over the accommodations on the Kalahari website ahead of time, so you know what type of room/suite you want. Special pricing will be in effect and only available through the link provided immediately after you complete registration and using the code that will be sent to you. VERY IMPORTANT—Do not try and make hotel reservations at Kalahari directly through them. You will not get the special rate and will find that the rooms are blocked.
There is a link below to a short Power Point which, if you are planning on attending the Parade for a few days or the entire week, you need to watch. It goes through step by step of everything you need to do before Registration opens so you are ready with current and/or correct information and the steps to go through once you are logged in to the Registration site at We will be showing this presentation via Zoom during the meeting next week, moderated by a member of the National Parade Team, so if you have any questions at all after watching the presentation prior to the meeting or during the meeting, this would be the time to get them answered.
Porsche Parade Phase II Registration
PHASE II Registration will open up in April for all registered attendees. That will be the time when you pick your tours and banquets and competitive and non-competitive events that you wish to participate in as well as picking your shifts to volunteer. Much more on that to come over the next couple of months.
Please be advised that even if you are just planning to volunteer for working at the Parade, and not attending anything else, you must still be registered during Phase 1. There is absolutely no walk-ins for any activities, including goodie store, hospitably, vendors, tech sessions, socials, and volunteering without the official Parade badge.
New Board Member
During the meeting, we will also introduce a new board member and talk briefly about some things possibly coming up for 2022 as well as approving the Meeting Minutes from November 2021. Please try and make it a priority to attend this upcoming Zoom meeting since it will be your last chance to get all the information you need for Registration in less than a month!
Note: There will be no door prizes or oil can drawing (it’s at $320!) this month.
Hope to see you on “the screen.” Here is to a successful 2022!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
December 13, 2021 : Holiday Season is Upon Us
Subject: Holiday Season is Already Upon Us
Can you believe that the holiday season is already upon us? Hope everyone is healthy and stress free and looking forward to enjoying this special season with friends and family.
Annual Holiday Party
A few things of importance for you to know about for December and the upcoming year. First, there will be NO monthly membership meeting for December. Our Holiday Party took the place of our monthly meeting. For those of you that attended, I hope you all had as wonderful a time as Jim and I did….great food, great friends and a great memory along with lots of good information about the 2022 Porsche Parade at Kalahari Resort in Pocono Manor in June from the PCA National Parade Chair. if you didn’t attend, we missed you and hope you will join us next year. We may be at a new venue, so stay tuned!
Registering For Events
Second thing….Starting in January, we will be using ( for all events held in our region, including the monthly membership meetings. If you do not have an account already set up with them, please go to their website and set up an account. We will be trying it out for the first time in January for the Monthly Membership Meeting on January 18th at Red Lobster in Wilkes-Barre so please have your account ready to go. RSVP’s will no longer be used to region members as we have in the past.
Christmas Lights Driving Tour
Third and final December tidbit…there will be a Pop-Up Event this weekend. A dinner and drive through of local Christmas lights is being put together by one of our region members and I will send all the details in the next day or two as soon as they are finalized. Stay tuned and watch you email for this fun event.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
November 6, 2021 : Last Membership Meeting of 2021
Subject: Last Membership Meeting of 2021
Can you believed that it is already November? We are already up to our last Membership Meeting of the year. It will be held on Tuesday November 16th at Benny Brewing Company, 1429 San Souci Parkway, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706. Please text Beth at (267)-421-4565 by Friday November 12th, if you will be attending the meeting. We need to have a count of attendees because that will determine whether we will be ordering off the menu or having a buffet.
Voting for Your 2022 Executive Board
Please read the minutes from the October Membership Meeting attached below as we will be approving them. We will also be voting for your 2022 Executive Board:
- President — Margie Becker
- Vice-President — Beth Herwig
- Secretary — Trish Slusarczyk
- Treasurer — Ed Slusarczyk
2021 Holiday Party
We will update information on the Christmas Party, which, by the way, if you haven’t RSVP yet, you need to do that today. We are almost sold out! Reply to this email if you need more information on how to register.
Door Prizes will be given away and there will be 2 oil cans up for grabs—1 for $500 and 1 for almost $300. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!!
See you at the meeting in November and Thank you for your support.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
October 21, 2021 : Nominations for 2022 Executive Board
October 21, 2021
Subject: Nominations for 2022 Executive Board

POC President : Margie Becker
This will serve as the official notification of the Executive Board members of Pocono Region PCA for the 2022 calendar year.
- President — Margie Becker
- Vice-President — Beth Herwig
- Secretary — Trish Slusarczyk
- Treasurer — Ed Slusarczyk
They were approved for nomination at the October 19, 2021 Membership Meeting and will be posted on our Website. Voting will take place at the November 16, 2021 Membership Meeting at Benny’s Brewing Company in Wilkes-Barre.
Thank you for your support.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
October 10, 2021 : Get Out and Enjoy the Scenery
October 10, 2021
Subject: Beautiful Fall is Upon Us in the Poconos
The beautiful Fall season is upon us here in the Poconos. Weather is remaining mild and the colors are everywhere. Get out in your P-car and enjoy the scenery!
Upcoming Events
Lots of exciting things happening in the Region for the remainder of the year. Shortly, you will be receiving your invitation in the mail for the Christmas Party at the Beaumont Inn in Dallas on Saturday December 4th. Please get your RSVP, dinner choices and check in to the Club ASAP. We are limited to 75 people and it’s an event you don’t want to miss. See the calendar ( for all the details and more information
There are also 2 tech sessions coming up—the first one will be at Napleton Porsche on Saturday October 23rd where they will talk to us about what you need to do to get your Porsche ready for winter storage. The second one will be in November at Second Gear in Stroudsburg. See the calendar ( for details for both events.
Monthly Membership Meeting
This month’s membership meeting will be a very special one that you won’t want to miss!! We will be following a slightly different format so please make note of the changes. We will be eating at Sortino’s Italian Kitchen at Kalahari https://
We will be meeting outside the entrance to the resort between 5:00 and 5:30 for promotional photographs for the PCA National Parade website and PCA National Social Media platforms. Our very own John Novotnak will be taking individual pictures with the animals around the resort and a group photo will be done around 5:30. Here is your chance to have your car showcased ahead of the Porsche Parade in June 2022!!! Once the photos are finished, we will go directly into Sortino’s and order dinner, even if it is prior to 6:00. We will start the membership meeting as soon as all the food orders are taken and proceed as we can. We will be presenting a check to American Red Cross for $1500 from our Drive for the Red Charity Event we held in July at Pocono Raceway during the meeting. At 7:30, we will be getting a tour of Kalahari so you will have a chance to see where a lot of the Parade events will be happening. You will be amazed at the vast expanse of the spaces that are available!
Please text Beth Herwig (267) 421-4565 if you are planning on attending. RSVP’s are a MUST for dinner. Please no walk-ins. Also let her know if you will be coming at 5:00 for pictures, so we will be prepared.
Meeting Minutes and Meeting Agenda
Please see the attached agenda for the meeting and the minutes from the September Membership Meeting at Grotto’s Pizza which will need approval. Nominations for President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer for 2022 will also be accepted at the meeting. They will be posted on the website after the meeting and positions will be voted on at the November Membership meeting.
Hope to see lots of people at Sortino’s.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
September 16, 2021: The Beginning of Fall
September 16, 2021
Subject: Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
Welcome to the Beginning of Fall
Welcome to the beginning of Fall. The calendar may say September but it still feels like summer out there so keep those P-cars out on the road!
Monthly Membership Meeting
This month’s Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 21st at Grotto’s Pizza 337 Wyoming Valley Mall, Wilkes-Barre Township, PA 18702 (
We will be updating the Membership with news on what is expected of Pocono Region for the 2022 Porsche Parade at Kalahari and what you can do to help. Also watch for information about an exciting upcoming drive at the end of the month. You won’t want to miss it. Also new for October will be a tech session at Napleton Wyoming Valley Porsche on October 23rd. Topic will be “How to Prep Your Car for Winter”. Make sure to put the date on your calendar.
Monthly Meeting Door Prize
Door prizes for this month’s meeting will be more 2022 Pocono Porsche Parade t-shirts, maybe some other 2022 Parade swag along with some models and other surprises. Must be present to win! There will be 2 oil can drawings. One for $500 and one for over $100. Must be present to win! Who want to win some money this month?
Meeting Minutes and Meeting Agenda
Please read the attached July Membership Meeting minutes below as we will need approval for them. Also below is the September meeting agenda.
Come on out and enjoy the cars and people along with some good food.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
July 14, 2021 : Hello From French Lick
July 14, 2021
Subject: Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
Hello From French Lick
Hello to everyone from French Lick, Indiana and the 65th Annual Porsche Parade! Jim and I and a few of your fellow Pocono Region members are having a wonderful time here enjoying everything Porsche. There are so many different cars to look at and activities and seminars and tours and competitions to participate in. There is something here for everyone…even if you are not a Porsche fanatic…and lots of non-Porsche things to participate in as classes, Bloody Mary making classes, BOURBON TASTING…just to name a few. A report will be given at this month’s Membership Meeting. You don’t want to miss it! I am also bringing ALOT of items back from the Goodie Store here for next year’s 66th Annual Porsche Parade in our very own region at Kalahari Resort in Pocono Manor. T-shirts and hats and water bottles…. for door prizes and raffles at future Membership Meetings. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN! Don’t you want one of these coveted items before they are available??? Here is a sneak peak at the Logo.
Monthly Membership Meeting
This month’s membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 20, 2021 at the pavilion in Eurana Park–560 3rd Street in Weatherly, PA. There is plenty of parking for your Porsche and just a short walk to the Pavilion. Pizza will be delivered around 6:15 PM, courtesy of the Club. Bring your own beverages! We will be celebrating the 47th Anniversary of the Founding of Pocono Region on July 17, 1974. Come and help us celebrate! The membership meeting will be held at 7:00 PM and then you can stop by the ice cream stand on the way back to your car for dessert! Please RSVP to Beth Herwig if you wil be attending, so we have an idea of how many pizzas to purchase.
Monthly Meeting Door Prize
This month’s door prize is a great framed reproduction of an old Porsche ad. Must be in attendance to win! We also will have 2 oil can drawings…One for $500 and a second one for around $24 or so…whatever is above and beyond the $500. Must be present to win either of them!! Who could use some extra cash about now?
Meeting Minutes and Meeting Agenda
Please read the attached June Membership Meeting minutes below as we will need approval for them. Also below is the July meeting agenda. If you have anything you would like to add to the agenda, please let me know.
Hope to see you all in Weatherly. It’s a great time to be driving your car!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
June 14, 2021 : Welcome to Pocono Weather!!
Subject: Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
Welcome to Pocono Weather!!
First it is constant rain for days and days and unseasonably cold and then it is in the 90’s and humid and then there are nasty storms. And all within a weeks time!!! At least you can’t get bored with the same weather day after day.
Monthly Membership Meeting
This month’s Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 15th at The Original Pocono Pub 1760 North 9th Street, Bartonsville, PA It is just off the Route 80 Exit #302. . The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM If you are planning on eating dinner, please try and be there around 6:00 PM in order to eat and socialize before the meeting. We will be meeting in the private dining room upstairs. Please be sure to look at the attached June 2021 Meeting Agenda and the May 2021 Monthly Membership Meeting Minutes which will be up for approval. Please RSVP as soon as possible to Beth Herwig if you are planning to attend. There will be no Zoom meeting.
Monthly Meeting Door Prize
This month’s door prize is a Porsche flag.. Display it inside or outside…on your deck or garage or patio…or anywhere you want!
GLUUGES Flag 3×5 Ft Banner with Brass Grommets Indoor Outdoor Decoration for Porsche
Communicable Disease Waiver (CDW)
The Communicable Disease Waiver (CDW) still needs to be used and the process remains unchanged from last year. It is required at all events. If you signed one last year, however, you need to sign a new one for this year as that one has expired. You can find the updated Communicable Disease Waiver at this link or on the PCA website. The CDW is valid from the date of signing through February 28, 2022. Please print one out and bring it along to the meeting so we can have it on file if you have not already done so in 2021.
• June 2021 Membership Meeting Agenda
• Corrected April 2021 Membership Meeting Minutes
• May 2021 Membership Meeting Minutes
Hope to see you on Tuesday night!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
May 14, 2021 : Welcome to Driving Weather
Subject: Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
Welcome to Driving Weather!
Get your P-car out and do some driving!
Membership Name Badges
A couple of items for your attention….Membership badges are now available for any member who would like one. They are $10 each. They are Blue Magnetic rectangle badges with white lettering and a PCA medal attached to it. They will have your name and Pocono Region on them. Please send me an email at if you are purchasing one. Please send a check to our treasurer with your payment–checks made out to Pocono Region PCA—or bring payment to the membership meeting. Badges will not be mailed. They must be picked up at a meeting or an event.
Watkins Glen Event Details
Second…Randy and John pre-ran the route from the Waffle House in Clarks Summit to Watkins Glen International (see link below) and it is still very nice. It is mostly 2 lane roads that are in good condition (we live in PA – there are some potholes). We have a good rest stop about half-way, at the Little Meadows, PA Dandy Mart (convenience store/deli/Sunoco gas). There is also a Dunkin Donuts in the same parking lot as the Waffle House. The drivers meeting will be at 8:00 am so that we can leave by 8:15 am. We need to be to the track by 11:30 to sign in to do our laps at 12 noon. Please make sure to bring your completed waivers to the drivers meeting (Communicable Disease, Liability, and Minor Participation). Please also bring your own masks and hand sanitizer since we still have to comply with the PCA, PA, NY, and Watkins Glen COVID guidelines. The timing of the drive looks good for the Watkins Glen arrival and parade laps. There are some scenic views along the way. After the track time Randy has arranged for lunch at the Village Marina restaurant in Watkins Glen (2 Seneca Harbor, Watkins Glen, NY 14891). As a reminder, the business part of this is that food will be on your own (I like bringing snacks and drinks in the car), the parade laps cost $25 per car (payable in advance to our Treasurer Ed Slusarczyk). We need to have people pay the club in advance for the parade laps, and the other activities are pay on your own on the day of the event. If you are doing the parade laps please send your $25 check to Ed Slusarczyk at 259 Shingle Mill Drive, Drums, PA, 18222 by Tuesday June 1st, or pay him at the Tuesday May 18th Membership meeting, so that we can have one check from the club for the track.
Please help Randy and John plan for a successful event by sending your responses to these 3 things:
1. Are you going on the group PCA drive?
2. Will you be driving the parade laps?
3. Will you be eating lunch with the group at the Village Marina restaurant?
Watkins glen driving map
Monthly Membership Meeting
Third…this month’s Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 18th at Backwoods Bar and Kitchen at Greystone Mountain Golf Course 469 Orange Road, Dallas, PA 18612 The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM Please come at 6:00 PM to enjoy dinner and fellowship. THERE WILL BE NO MORE ZOOM MEETINGS FOR NOW. IN-PERSON ONLY! Please be sure to look at the attached May 2021 Meeting Agenda and the April 2021 Monthly Membership Meeting Minutes which will be up for approval. Please RSVP as soon as possible to Beth Herwig if you are planning to attend.
This month’s door prize is perfect for summertime beach and pool fun. A Porsche Beach Towel! Who wants to win this? Must be present to win!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
April 16, 2021 : Monthly Membership Meeting Plus a Few Things
Subject: Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting + A Few Things
Finally the flowers and trees are blooming and warmth is in the air….along with all the pollen that gets in your nose and eyes and all over your Porsche!
A couple of items for your attention….Last call for the text blaster notification system. If you have not sent me your cell phone number and want to be included in the notifications, please send your name and cell phone # to ASAP. The first notification will come out next week about the membership meeting on Tuesday.
Monthly Membership Meeting
Second…this month’s Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 20th at Nick’s Lake House 20 South Lake Drive, Lake Harmony, PA 18624 . The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM If you are planning on attending in person, please try and be there around 6:00 PM in order to eat and socialize before the meeting. Nick’s Lake House will be complying with all the COVID regulations. Tables will be spaced appropriately apart and set for not more than 4 people each. Remember to wear your mask! Please be sure to look at the attached April 2021 Meeting Agenda and the March 2021 Monthly Membership Meeting Minutes which will be up for approval. Please RSVP as soon as possible to Beth Herwig if you are planning to attend EITHER in-person or on Zoom.
Monthly Door Prize
This month’s door prize is a goodie!!! A Porsche GT4 Club Sport Backpack!!! Who wants to win this? Must be present in person or on Zoom!
Wilkes University American Society of Mechanical Engineers Car Show
Third…we have 2 upcoming events to put on your calendar…The Wilkes University American Society of Mechanical Engineers Car Show that our Pocono Region is supporting. The show is planned for Sunday April 25th, 2021 at Wilkes University. The Car show will benefit the “Veteran’s Promise” organization ( The rain date is May 2nd. You can pre-register for the Car Show using the information on the attached flyer ( FLYER ) (a smart phone camera scanning the QR code makes it really easy). You can pay your $10 entry fee when you arrive at the event. The car show is not an official PCA event. In addition to the car show, there will be a breakfast at the Wilkes-Barre Perkins and a short (~1/2 hour) drive from Perkins to the Wilkes parking lot. The Perkins is at 1085 Wilkes Barre Township Blvd, Wilkes-Barre Township, PA 18702. There is also a Dunkin Donuts across the street. Please let Lang Greiner and John Emmett know if you will be attending by April 22nd. Lang can reserve a section to park together if he knows how many people are coming. John needs to know how many people are coming for breakfast to warn the restaurant. Lang – and John Emmett – .
Central Pennsylvania Swap Meet
The second upcoming event is the Central Pennsylvania Swap Meet in Carlisle, PA on Saturday May 1st. There will be 2 caravans…a northern route and a southern route…. heading to the event, if you would like to join either one of them. The northern route will meet in Bloomsburg for breakfast and then depart. Please contact John Emmett for more information. The southern route will meet in the Lehigh Valley area for breakfast and then depart. Please contact Margie Becker for more information.
Communicable Disease Waiver (CDW)
The Communicable Disease Waiver (CDW) still needs to be used and the process remains unchanged from last year. It is required at all events. If you signed one last year, however, you need to sign a new one for this year as that one has expired. You can find the updated Communicable Disease Waiver at this link or on the PCA website. The CDW is valid from the date of signing through February 28, 2022. Please print one out and bring it along to the meeting so we can have it on file if you have not already done so in 2021.
Hope to see you Tuesday night!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
March 28, 2021 : Pocono Region News and Special Dates
Subject: Pocono Region News and Special Dates
Happy Spring everyone! It seemed like the winter would never end and Porsche driving would not return, but finally it has arrived! Get those cars ready to go. Pocono Region has a lot of things planned for the upcoming months and would love for you to be part of them.
First of all, at the March Board of Directors meeting, it was approved to try a text messaging system to all the members to quickly inform them of last minute changes to events, meeting reminders, impromptu social gatherings or drives, weather related changes or important announcements. You would not received more than 1-3 text messages per month and it would be nothing that you need to respond to. It’s simply a way of informing members quickly of important changes and/or information. Monthly meeting info will still be sent via email and notifications will be put on Facebook and the website. If you are interested in being apart of the text messaging system, please send your name and cell phone number to me at and you will be included in the list. You can drop out at any time if you feel it is not a benefit to you.
Here are some dates of Pocono Region (plus one outside our region) Porsche events to put on your calendar.
April 20th — Monthly Membership Meeting at Nick’s Lake House at Lake Harmony. Watch your e-mail for more information.
May 18th — Monthly Membership Meeting at Backwoods Bar and Kitchen in Dallas. Watch your e-mail for more information.
June 15th — Monthly Membership Meeting tentatively scheduled at the Original Pocono Pub in Bartonsville. Watch your e-mail for more information.
Check out these events as well.
June 5th — Organized drive to Watkins Glen for the Zone 1 Club Race and laps on the track. Stay tuned for more information.
July 6th — Drive for the Red at Pocono Raceway. For the 3rd year in a row, Pocono Region is teaming up with Pocono Raceway and the American Red Cross for the chance to take laps on the Tricky Triangle behind a pace car and donate blood. This is the Pocono Region’s premier charity event. Stay tuned for more information.
October 16th — Zone 2 2nd Annual Boardwalk Reunion in Ocean City, NJ. A block of rooms at the Flanders Inn are now available. Registration for the event itself will be in August. Stay tuned for more information.
Get out on the road and enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather. Hope to see you soon.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
It’s not just the cars, it’s the people.
March 15, 2021 : Monthly Membership Meeting Correction
Subject: **CORRECTION** Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
Several people have contacted me that the RSVP email link in the previous blast does not work so I have updated the link here for you.
If you are planning on attending the meeting, EITHER IN-PERSON OR BY ZOOM, please let Beth Herwig know ASAP so that we have an accurate count.
Sorry for the confusion. If you are still having an issue, please contact me directly ( and I will get the RSVP to Beth.
Hope to see you on Tuesday.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
March 13, 2021 : Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
Subject: Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
Welcome to March and Spring everyone! We survived the snow and cold and Spring is upon us. Time to get those P-cars ready to get on the road and join fellow members around the area.
The March membership meeting will be a hybrid in-person/ Zoom meeting held on Tuesday, March 16th at The Powerhouse Eatery 60 Powerhouse Road, White Haven, Pa 18661. .The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM If you are planning on attending in person, please try and be there around 6:00 PM in order to eat and socialize before the meeting. The Powerhouse will be complying with all the COVID regulations. Tables will be spaced appropriately apart and set for not more than 4 people each. Remember to wear your mask! We will have our own meeting room. Please be sure to look at the attached Meeting Agenda and both January 2021 and February 2021 Monthly Membership Meeting Minutes which will be up for approval. Please RSVP as soon as possible to Beth Herwig if you are planning to attend EITHER in-person or on Zoom.
This month’s door prize will be a classic….a Porsche 928 model for you to assemble. You must be present in-person or on Zoom to win!! The oil can drawing is currently at $322. Again, you must be present in-person or on Zoom to win. Who would like to win an awesome model or $322 right now?
Last month’s door prize winner was George Buynack.
The Communicable Disease Waiver (CDW) still needs to be used and the process remains unchanged from last year. It is required at all events. If you signed one last year, however, you need to sign a new one for this year as that one has expired. You can find the updated Communicable Disease Waiver at this link or on the PCA website. The CDW is valid from the date of signing through February 28, 2022. Please print one out and bring it along to the meeting so we can have it on file.
Hope to see you Tuesday night!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
February 16, 2021 : Update— Monthly Membership Meeting
Subject: **UPDATE** Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
We have a major meltdown going on here in the Poconos! Sun is shining and temperatures are rising. Woohoo! The in-person meeting is on for tonight at Mendocino”s on Drinker Highway in Covington Township. It will be a good evening to get out of the house!
We received an anonymous donation for a door prize for tonight’s meeting.
LEGO Speed Champions 1974 Porsche 911 Turbo 3.0 75895 Building Kit (180 Pieces).
All in-person attendees and Zoom attendees will be eligible! Come on and be part of the fun. Dinner at 6:00…meeting at 7:00…done by 8:00. See you tonight!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
February 11, 2021 : Monthly Membership Meeting
Subject: Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
Welcome to February everyone! We are on the downside of winter with only 31 more days until the First Day of Spring! Woo hoo!! I’m sure that you are all as sick of the never ending snow and cold as I am. Get those P-cars ready. We will soon be back on the road!
The February membership meeting will be a hybrid in-person/ Zoom meeting held on Tuesday, February 16th at Mendocino’s Pizzeria and Ristorante 921 Drinker Turnpike, Covington Township, PA 18444. .The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM If you are planning on attending in person, please try and be there around 6:00 PM in order to eat and socialize before the meeting. Mendocino’s will be complying with all the COVID regulations. Tables will be spaced appropriately apart and set for not more than 4 people each. Remember to wear your mask! We will have our own meeting room. Please be sure to look at the attached Meeting Agenda and January 2021 Monthly Membership Meeting Minutes which will be up for approval. Please RSVP as soon as possible to Beth Herwig if you are planning to attend EITHER in-person or on Zoom.
Please check your e-mail and/or Facebook on Monday and Tuesday in case of inclement weather cancellation.
For all you Race Fans out there—
The “Rumble at the Oak Tree” Zone 2 Club Race at VIR is planned for June 18-20, 2021. The final contracts aren’t signed yet, but we fully expect the Covid restrictions to allow this very popular race to happen this year.
We need volunteers and sponsors to support the event, and make it profitable for the Zone. Volunteers will be needed to help with a variety of jobs to include registration, false grid, tech support and more. Sponsorship package details are being finalized, but opportunities will include event shirts, racer giveaways, awards, signage and more.
It’s a great, fun weekend at the track! We hope to see you there!
Contact Phil Grandfield if you have any questions or to sign up. or
(757) 635-0892
Hope to see you Tuesday night!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
February 7, 2021 : Pocono Region News and Special DE
Subject: Pocono Region News and Special DE
CALLING ALL LADIES!!! Here is a wonderful opportunity to drive your P-car on the track!
PCA Potomac is holding its first ALL-FEMALE PARTICIPANT event on Sunday, October 3rd, 2021 at Summit Point Motorsports Park. We are actively seeking FEMALE DE INSTRUCTORS from within our Zone to help instruct at this event. Registration for drivers and instructors is currently open.
All questions may be directed to our Women’s High Performance Driving Clinic chair-person and Potomac Instructor, Colleen Reiche at you are planning on attending the Porsche Parade in French Lick, Indiana July11-17, please be aware that Phase I Registration opens this Wednesday February 10th at 12 noon. French Lick hosted a Porsche Parade in 2015. It is a beautiful resort and customer service is top notch. Here is the link for registration (
First you will register for the Parade itself and then you will receive a link to make your room reservation. Phase II registration–where you sign up and pick your events–will take place in April.
Information about the February monthly meeting will be coming later this week. Stay tuned…
Hope to see you soon.
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
January 15, 2021 : Monthly Membership Meeting, Date Correction
Subject: **DATE CORRECTION** Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
The first membership meeting of 2021 will be a hybrid in-person/ Zoom meeting held on **TUESDAY JANUARY 19th** at Red Lobster 10 East End Center, Wilkes-Barre .The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM If you are planning on attending in person, please try and be there around 6:00 PM in order to eat and socialize before the meeting. The Red Lobster will be complying with all the COVID regulations. Tables will be spaced appropriately apart and set for not more than 4 people each. Remember to wear your mask! Please be sure to look at the attached Meeting Agenda and December 2020 Monthly Membership Meeting Minutes which will be up for approval. Please RSVP as soon as possible to Beth Herwig if you are planning to attend EITHER in-person or on Zoom.
Pocono Region is looking for volunteers for the following 3 Chair positions for 2021:
Insurance/Safety Chair — obtaining insurance certificates from National for all Pocono Region moving car events. We have less than 10 of those events a year.
Membership Chair — sending a welcome email to all Pocono Region new members each month and reporting on the membership status at the Board of Directors meeting and Membership meeting each month and maintaining a roster for the oil can drawing at each Membership meeting—which, by the way, is at $252. Must be present to be entered and win!
Web Chair — this a a managerial position only. Our website is produced and maintained by a professional Webmaster. You would only need to funnel information about Pocono Region events to him and act as a liaison between the Region and the Webmaster.
Because we are a small region, these positions do not require a lot of work. A chair gets you a position and a vote on the Board of Directors meetings which are held via Zoom (for now) on the second Tuesday of each month. Please contact me if you would like more information on any of these positions.
Hoping to see you on Tuesday night!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
January 14, 2021 : Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
Subject: Pocono Region Monthly Membership Meeting
The first membership meeting of 2021 will be a hybrid in-person/ Zoom meeting held on Tuesday, July 19th at Red Lobster 10 East End Center, Wilkes-Barre .The meeting will begin at 7:00 PM If you are planning on attending in person, please try and be there around 6:00 PM in order to eat and socialize before the meeting. The Red Lobster will be complying with all the COVID regulations. Tables will be spaced appropriately apart and set for not more than 4 people each. Remember to wear your mask! Please be sure to look at the attached Meeting Agenda and December 2020 Monthly Membership Meeting Minutes which will be up for approval. Please RSVP as soon as possible to Beth Herwig— if you are planning to attend EITHER in-person or on Zoom.
Pocono Region is looking for volunteers for the following 3 Chair positions for 2021:
Insurance/Safety Chair — obtaining insurance certificates from National for all Pocono Region moving car events. We have less than 10 of those events a year.
Membership Chair — sending a welcome email to all Pocono Region new members each month and reporting on the membership status at the Board of Directors meeting and Membership meeting each month and maintaining a roster for the oil can drawing at each Membership meeting—which, by the way, is at $252. Must be present to be entered and win!
Web Chair — this a a managerial position only. Our website is produced and maintained by a professional Webmaster. You would only need to funnel information about Pocono Region events to him and act as a liaison between the Region and the Webmaster.
Because we are a small region, these positions do not require a lot of work. A chair gets you a position and a vote on the Board of Directors meetings which are held via Zoom (for now) on the second Tuesday of each month. Please contact me if you would like more information on any of these positions.
Hoping to see you on Tuesday night!
Margie Becker
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
January 8, 2021 : Welcome to 2021
Subject: Welcome to 2021
Happy New Year and hoping that 2021 finds all of you happy and healthy. I would like to take a moment to introduce myself. I am Margie Becker and the new President of Pocono Region Porsche Club of America. My husband Jim and I live in Tannersville, PA. We joined PCA in 1997 when we bought out first Porsche—a 1993 968 that was my daily driver. Our second Porsche was a 1999 Boxster and we slowly converted the 968 to a track car and over the years enjoyed driver’s education and autocross events at many different tracks and venues. We then sold the 968 and the Boxster and purchased a 2006 Boxster S which was, again, my daily driver year round. In 2018, we sold the 2006 Boxster and purchased a 2015 Mahogany Metallic Boxster S which is our current Porsche. We enjoy road rallies, attending Porsche Parades, drive and dines and meeting up with other Porsche owners to admire and talk about cars. We also love to travel, spend time out with our camper and currently also have a boat on the Chesapeake Bay.
Our monthly membership meetings will continue to be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00. Watch your email or the website or Facebook for locations. We hope to go with Hybrid meetings (in-person and Zoom) as soon as possible and looking forward to full in-person meetings as well. We will be starting up our Cars and Coffee as soon as we get a break in the weather as well as drive and dines and impromptu gatherings for dinner and conversation. Stay tuned for a calendar of events shortly. If there is anything you would like to do or an activity you would like to see the club get involved with, please feel free to contact me. My email is
Remember — “It’s Not Just the Cars…It’s the People.”
February 2020 : Pocono Region President’s Message
February 2020
Subject: Pocono Region President’s Message
Hello Porsche Fans – well, January is almost over with no major weather events around us, it is almost Groundhog Day (let’s hope for an early Spring and thanks for the movie Bill Murray), and the Super Bowl is Sunday (I hope your team wins or at least that the commercials are enjoyable). On a sad note Porsche didn’t win any of the classes at the 24 Hours of Daytona but our members that were there seemed to have a great experience and posted lots of photos and videos on the Pocono Region FaceBook page (
Our next Membership Meeting will be on February 18 at Arcaro and Genell’s restaurant, 443 South Main Street, Old Forge PA, 18518 and their phone # is 570-457–5555.
The PCA Tech Tactics East is in Easton on February 22nd and 23rd. Signups are open and filling up rapidly.
The 2020 Porsche Parade signups/registration activities have begun, see the attached flyer and the website. Parade Flyer – PCA Parade 2020 Flyer
The 2020 Boardwalk Reunion hotel reservations are open and information is on their website ( ).
For our members interested in track events the PCA has updated the HPDE rules, the Riverside California Region is inviting everyone to their AutoCross, and the Riesentoter Region (just south of us) has issued their schedule of HPDE events (details on With Spring coming a track junkie’s thoughts turn to melted rubber .
Finally, your Board wants volunteers for a committee to help with updating our website ( and social media presence. Please contact me, Jim Becker, John Novotnak, or Mike Valenzano to express your interest.
Thanks for your involvement and let’s keep having safe fun with our cars!
John Emmett
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
January 2020 : Pocono Region President’s Message
January 2020
Subject: Pocono Region President’s Message
Happy New Year to the Pocono Region PCA membership.
I hope that everyone’s holiday season has been safe and happy so far.
Our next membership meeting will be on the standard third Tuesday of the month, so January 21st, 2020 at the Red Lobster in Wilkes-Barre (at 10 East End Center, Wilkes Barre, PA 18702 and phone of 570-825-6122). Please be there by 6 pm for dinner and we’ll start the meeting at 7 pm.
We had a lot of good events during 2019 and I expect that we’ll continue to have a lot of fun during 2020. If you have ideas for events and especially if you would like to run them let me know. I’ve attached the current list of Upcoming Events for 2020 to this email. ( Pocono Region Upcoming Events )
Winter creates different maintenance challenges for our cars so please take care of them so that you can continue to enjoy them.
Keep the shiny side up and the sticky side down and I hope to see you soon.
John Emmett
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
September 2019 : Pocono Region President’s Message
September 2019
Subject: Pocono Region President’s Message
Hi Pocono Region members – I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying summer drives in their cars. I have included information about our Region’s upcoming events in this email and as a link below.
The PCA National Open House is September 14th in Columbia, MD (details below).
The sad news is that the Rally is being postponed due to a number of reasons. We’re still trying to get this together for later in the fall.
As the leaves have started falling remember that wet leaves on the road or in your yards/walking paths can be very slippery.
I’m looking forward to seeing you at our next Membership meeting at ‘The Cafe’ on September 17th.
Have fun and stay safe.
John Emmett
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
June 2019 : Pocono Region President’s Message
June 2019
Subject: Pocono Region President’s Message
Monthly Membership Meeting
We had a wonderful Membership meeting last night, great food in a nice venue. There was a fine turnout, with some new PCA members and some first-time attendees. A good time was had by all. Thanks to all that attended.
Watkins Glen Road and Track Event
The June 1st Watkins Glen Road and Track event is coming up. Tioga Downs is still holding 5 rooms until Friday May 24, so if you want to spend the night you need to act promptly. If you plan on driving the Parade laps of the Watkins Glen track you need to get your $20 payment to Ed Slusarczyk by Wednesday May 29th. We must pay in advance to get the discounted rate. This is shaping up to be a really fun event. We have over 15 cars signed up for the Parade laps and at least 10 staying at the hotel. See previous emails or contact Randy or me for contact information. Thanks to Randy Duckworth.
Porsche Club Appreciation Day
On June 15 there is a Porsche Club Appreciation Day at Wyoming Valley/Napleton Porsche from 10 am to 2 pm. Lunch will be provided. We will have a wash and shine car show (cars need to be on display from 11 am to 1:30 pm, with an awards presentation at 2 pm) with the top 3 cars getting prizes. PCA members and the public can vote. We will learn about the 2020 Macan rollout, enjoy dealership and garage tours, and of course there will be opportunities to meet the staff. Thanks to Walk Weir.
Oil Can Raffle
As an enticement to attend the Membership meetings we have tweaked the Oil Can raffle process to increase your chances of winning. Last night the raffle was for almost $900 and the person drawn was not present. In the future, you still have to be present to win and each member has to pay the $2 entry. The change is that there will now be a cap of $500, so with the new process at the next meeting there will be a drawing for $500 and a separate drawing for the balance (if it stays below $500). If we exceed $1000 there will be 3 drawings, two for $500, and a third for the remaining balance. So now there are even more reasons to attend the Membership meetings.
It’s Not Just the Cars, It’s the People
Finally, I want to express my pride in this organization. While driving home from the meeting last night (westbound on I-80), there was a car with its flashers on not quite onto the left shoulder. While getting ready to call 911 to report that situation I saw a car pulled over onto the right shoulder. As I approached that car I recognized it as a 911, and that it was the car of a member that was at the meeting. So, I pulled over to check on the member. He was fine and had pulled over to call 911 to report the car on the left shoulder. While I was pulled over two more cars with members from our group pulled over to check on the 1st 2 cars that were pulled over. This was really cool to see us helping other motorists and looking out for our fellow PCA members. This event really emphasized the PCA mantra – ‘It’s not just the cars, it’s the people!”.
Have fun and stay safe.
John Emmett
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America
February 2019 : Pocono Region President’s Message
February 2019
Subject: Pocono Region President’s Message
Hi Folks – As March draws near hopefully we won’t get too much “in like a lion” weather but rather a lot of nice “out like a lamb” weather. Our next meeting is at the Powerhouse Restaurant in White Haven, PA on March 19 at 6 pm (the standard 3rd Tuesday). I hope to see you there and you can hear about upcoming events. The February membership meeting at Arcaro and Genell’s was very nice and well attended.
Have fun and stay safe.
John Emmett
Pocono Region, Porsche Club of America